Chapter 12: What happened?

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita was wearing later on in this chapter. Hope you enjoy the chapter.)

Alita's Point of View

After the incident with the kid, I was running in wolf form in front of the car as quickly as I can, while the sun began to rise along the horizon. I'm glad that Omer is gone, I was so close to becoming his pet again. I knew exactly what he could've done to me if he wasn't killed, Rick and Hershel knew it as well, which is why I could tell they were worried about me.

As I ran and Rick drove, well... The kid was saved, Randall, and we are heading back home. Once we got closer the farm house can be spotted, and we could see everyone standing by a car in front of the house, and they all looked scared and relieved all at once when they see me and the car approaching. I could tell they were scared or shocked to see a giant wolf coming up the drive way, well... Everyone, but Maggie, Beth, and Patricia weren't surprised.

"Dad! You're okay!" I heard Carl shout as Rick parked the car in front of the house. Hershel and Glenn climbed out of the car as Hershel told Patricia to prepare the shed for surgery for Randall, who Rick managed to free from the fence. 

I huffed and a lot of them still looked at me shocked, they were expecting to see my human form, and not my wolf form, so I transformed back into my human form, and they see that it was me, with the clothes I had on the day before.

"What? Were you guys not really expecting me to really be a wolf hybrid?" I asked as I sighed, there was no point in getting worked up in front of everyone. Yet Carl came up to me and told me that it was really cool that I could actually do that, as Maggie and Beth patted my back and smiled at me, and I nodded at them, smiling a bit as well.

Once I thanked them, soon all of them turned back to Rick, who was now hugging Lori and Carl, but Daryl still looking at me, as Hershel puts a hand on my shoulder in concern as I nodded at him to take a look at my bruises inside. 

Before I went inside, I glanced toward Daryl, can't read his expression like I normally do, but I could tell he was trying to read mine and I quickly looked away not wanting him to some how workout what happened back at the bar. 

Soon Hershel and I went inside to get my wrists looked at, yet he wasn't surprised to see them healed already. Yet Hershel and I went back outside once checking everything. Then I glanced over at Randall still tied up in the back seat of the car before I walked off, not really wanting any part of what happens to the kid.

"Alita...?" Daryl's voice called, but I didn't turn around, I just kept walking heading towards the camp, wanting nothing more than to be away from everyone at the moment.

Rick's Point of View

"Daryl, let her go, she needs some space for a while." I said letting go of Lori as I walked over to Daryl, putting a hand on his shoulder, as Hershel went over to him.

"Knowing Alita, she just wants some time alone, Daryl." Hershel stated to him.

"Two guys found us in the bar and ***** hit the fan. Alita copped most of it." I said sighing a bit.

"What did they do to her?" Daryl questioned the two of us softly, probably feeling anger and guilt in him.

No One's Point of View

It should have been him, not Alita. He should have said 'yes' to Lori, but instead he made a big deal out of it and Alita most likely hated him for snapping at Lori the night before, he deserved it.

"One of the men, he was forcing himself on her and... It's not our place to say, but she probably doesn't want anyone knowing." Rick whispered, as Hershel nodded and I shook my head.

"They didn't... He didn't ra-" I began to ask, but Rick and Hershel quickly shook their heads and Daryl sighed in relief.

"Look I know you care about her, but right now we need you... I need you to help me with Randall, this kid. He was part of the guy's group, but they left him behind. I need you to help me deal with him, I don't trust Shane with him." Rick admitted softly as he lets of go my shoulder and I nodded, glancing in the direction Alita had walked before turning back to Rick to help him get Randall to Hershel help the kid.

-Time skip-

Once Hershel said that Randall was stable; Daryl, Rick and Shane moved him into the old wooden shed, handcuffing him to a metal pipe, so he wouldn't get free. Randall as expected begged for his life, but Rick wouldn't have any of it and locked the shed door behind him. 

Shane wasn't happy with having him locked in the shed just 200 meters away from the camp, but there was nothing else they could do other than kill the kid.

Daryl knew Rick didn't want to do that, but he also knew that was the only option Shane wanted to take. So, he remained quiet while the two argued waiting for them to finish before Rick and Shane headed back to the farm house to let everyone know what's happening.

While Daryl headed towards the camp making his way over to him and Alita's tent on the other side. Maggie, Beth, and Hershel asked him to check on her since after they checked on her before. Alita wasn't doing well, they also tried to cheer her up a bit, yet she slightly smiled a bit, and it wasn't enough. 

Later he could hear bricks being smashed before he even reached the tent, he froze listening to the bricks falling and clanging together and it took him a few seconds before he realized what was making those noises... It was Alita.

"Alita?" Daryl called softly as he made his way past the tent towards the stack of bricks a few meters away when he spotted her throwing and kicking a few bricks in frustration. He watched for a couple more seconds thinking she needed something to take her anger out on, but soon she stops and falls to her knees.

Yet he could see that their are tears starting to form in her eyes, while covering her ears, breaking down. Later she got up and uncovered her ears, but Daryl could see that her eyes were turning silver once again, like before with tears still coming out a bit. Daryl knew there was more to it than just anger.

"Hey, Alita." Daryl said again moving towards Alita slowly, but she didn't hear him, she didn't hear anything. All she could think about was the things that had happened to her, including what happened between her and Omer.

"Alita, please calm down!" Daryl said slightly louder, catching her attention as she met his gaze, her teary red/silver/brown eyes meeting his worried blue ones. But she couldn't hold it together anymore and her tears began falling down her cheeks as she fully fell to her knees.

"It's okay." Daryl said softly as Alita felt him grab her gently and when she showed no signs of pulling away, he wrapped his arms around her pulling her into his chest as she began to cry some more. 

He held her tightly not saying a word, letting her cry as his hand rested on the back of her head, his fingers combing through her hair gently trying to get her to relax. She wasn't sure how long they stayed like that, but it must have been a while as the sun was beginning to set in the distance.

"I'm sorry..." Alita whispered as she slowly pulled away wiping tears from her eyes as she took a deep breath.

"S'okay, you have nothin' to apologize for." Daryl replied softly as he watched Alita rubbing her wrists gingerly, which he spotted the bandages around her wrists where Hershel patched her up earlier. Later revealing that the wolf part of her healed it already.

'How did I not notice them before?' Daryl thought to himself looking at her.

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