Chapter 101: Alexandria Vs. Walkers

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(Author/Red: Now onto Season 6 of the show, also is it bad that I'm scared to get to Season 7?

Also this is what Alita wears for 4 chapters. Hope you enjoy the Chapter.)

Alita's Point of View

So after the whole Rick shooting the doctor thing we were able to settle down and talk, apparently a lot happened over the last few days, when I was out with Daryl and Aaron.

Noah had been killed and Glenn got into a fight with Nicholas since he was the one who got Noah killed, and Aiden was dead as well.

Rick had went a little crazy and beat the **** out of Jess' husband and pointed a gun at everyone before Michonne knocked him out and that's that I guess...

"I know this sounds insane, but this is an insane world. We have to come for them before they come for us. It's that simple." Rick says with walkers snarling is overbearingly loud, but Rick's voice meets our ears anyway.

"This is where it all starts tomorrow. Tobin, Nate gets in the truck, opens the exit and we're off. They hop out, catches up with their teams at red and blue staying on the west side of the road. Daryl and Alita get on the bike—" Rick's cit off by a rumbling.

"You see that?" Sasha asks.

Looking over we watch as rock gives way under one of the eighteen wheelers that's keeping the countless walker in the ravine.

Once the rock falls so does the truck. The walker turn to it and start to make their way out.

"It's open! We got to do this now! We're doing this now!" Rick shouts.

"Tobin and Nate's groups, get moving, go!" Rick shouts again.

"No, Rick, we're not ready." Tobin argues.

"Sasha! Abraham!" Rick calls.

"**** straight, we'll do it live." Abraham says heading to the car with Sasha.

"You meet Daryl and Alita at red. Let them take them thought the gauntlet." Rick tells him.

"Yeah, we meet at the red." Sasha repeats.

"Go!" Rick yells.

Once they get in the car the rest of us stand with our weapons the ready while the others run around trying to get their **** together.

"Daryl, Alita, get ready." Rick calls out.

"They're coming." Daryl announces, the walker reached for through the space in between the trailers.

"Rick, we haven't even gone through the whole plan." Tobin points out.

"You want to go back, go back. We're finishing this." Samuel (my dad) tells him.

"Tobin, you and Nate hit it on my signal. They're heading for home. We don't have a choice. Get ready to hit the flares... Now!" Rick yells.

The flares go off drawing the walkers attention to us, they begin to come through on Rick's command Tobin, and Nate moved the truck giving the walkers full access to walk through.

I raised my one of my pistols, aiming at one of the walkers, I fired.

"Come on!" Daryl calls out, I took one more down before jumping on the back of Daryl's bike.

As my dad, and Nate went to join Rick and his group...


I stood waiting for Abe and my dad to bring Reg's body, once they do they laid him on the ground and Abe pulls out a bottle.

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