Chapter 47: Into the Woods

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No One's Point of View

Merle and Daryl had been bickering and talking nonsense for the past few hours as Alita and Ash walked through the woods trying to find somewhere to crash for the night, with Foxy in front of them. 

Alita hasn't said anything since they left Rick and the others, she didn't have anything to say. She wasn't happy about leaving the prison and her other family, but she wasn't going to let herself leave Daryl again. 

She made that mistake once before she moved to LA and has regretted it ever since, she wasn't going to let it happen again.

Alita was glad that Merle was back to his somewhat normal self, he still wasn't the same man she knew all those years ago. He was more hot tempered and tried picking fights more often than not, but she thinks it just the whole world turning changes people. 

The same way that Alita notices how it changed Ash a little as well. The four of them continued walking for another 10 or so minutes, Ash and the brothers walking in front of her as they argued about something stupid, but she wasn't listening. 

All she could think about what the Governor did and the sharp pain that spiked on her side whenever she took a step. She knew her bones weren't broken, but man did it feel like it. 

At worse she had bruises from something that irritated her, which was nothing serious. It just meant it would hurt for longer until it healed itself.

"Merle, slow down a bit." Daryl and Ash suddenly called slowing their pace as they turned around to Alita, their eyes full of worry as she finally caught up to them. 

They stopped walking and Daryl grabbed her shoulders gently, forcing her to look at them. 

She has been avoiding their eyes and any form of conversation because she knew wetly would want to ask about her shirt which clearly wasn't hers and ask what Glenn meant when he said that, 'You should know it more than anyone', when he was referring to the Governor being a rapist and she didn't want to have that conversation.

"You're hurt. We should stop for a few minutes." Ash said, as Daryl nodded and brushed a strand of Alita's hair out of her face so he could see her properly, but she shook her head looking down at the ground.

"I'm fine, let's keep going." Alita replied softly, not wanting to argue with them as she met their worried gaze.

"What's goin' on? Too tired Sugar! Need ya beauty rest?" Merle teased, walking back over to the three with a grin.

"Shut up Merle. She's hurt and not healing cause of ya!" Daryl snapped, anger flashing across his eyes as he glared at his older brother who just laughed with amusement.

"Do you think this is funny?" Ash suddenly yelled at the Dixon.

"Would you three just stop arguing for five minutes? Let's go, it's gonna be dark soon." Alita said throwing her arms in the air in frustration causing her to wince slightly at the pain it caused on her ribs.

"Let us see." Daryl suddenly said, his tone not soft and gentle as Ash and both Dixon brothers looked at her in slight worry.

"I said, I'm fine." Alita replied, her tone coming out harsher than intended, but she just wanted to keep going and find a place to crash for the night.

"Alita, just show us please." Ash said and she sighed looking up into Daryl and Ash's eyes, knowing they wouldn't let this go. 

She nodded reluctantly, slowly lifting her shirt to exposed her stomach. She hasn't seen what her stomach looked like after the fight with Merle in the arena, but by the shocked expressions on Ash and both Dixons had, she knew it wasn't good. 

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