Chapter 27: Into the Prison

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Alita's Point of View

The next morning, I woke up as the sun was beginning to rise. I noticed a few others were awake, sitting around the smoky ashes of what used to be the campfire. Daryl was still asleep behind me, so I didn't move. 

With me not wanting to wake him as I gave Hershel and Glenn a smile once they realized that I was awake. 

Another ten or some minutes had passed before everyone else began to wake up and an hour later Daryl, Rick, Glenn, Maggie, T-Dog, and I were all standing by the gate that separated the field from the prison courtyard preparing to take down all the walkers inside.

"Ready?" Hershel asked and all six of us nodded as Rick pulled the gate open and all of us rushed in, back to back as Hershel shut the gate behind me.

"Daryl!" Rick called as a walker came up from the left.

Daryl quickly stabbed his knife into its head before we all continued making our way further into the yard the prison. Taking down the walkers as they stumbled towards me. 

I stood between Daryl and T-Dog, gripping my hunting knife tightly as I stabbed the walker a few meters away before I moved back into the defense circle we had made.

"Don't break formation!" Rick shouted causing me to glance at the group to work out who he was yelling at, when I spotted T-Dog running towards some sort of police shield.

"We need it!" T-Dog yelled over his shoulder as he grabbed the shield and quickly got back to the rest of us.

We continued to slowly make our way through the yard, taking down walker after walker. We all made our way towards a door. Rick opened it making sure there was no walker in there before he took a few steps passed the door before he quickly came back, pressing his back against the wall.

"****." Rick hissed, motioning for all of us to stay back hidden behind the wall, I couldn't see what he was looking at us.

But suddenly I spotted a few walkers walking around the corner, wearing police protective equipment and head gear that covered their whole face. Nope, they're gonna be hard to kill.

-Time skip-

After we cleared the courtyard and the inside cell block C, I glanced around the room taking in the area. If we cleaned this cell block out it would make a perfect camp for us. 

No walkers could get into the area we had cleared, it was safe and when everyone was ready we could slowly make our way further into the prison, but there was no rush.

"Time to get cleaning." I stated as I clapped my hands together before slinging my crossbow over my shoulder as I walked into the first cell and began dragging a walker out.

"We'll go get the others and our gear." Maggie said as her and Glenn walked out of the room, back through the way we came before Daryl, Rick, and T-Dog all copied me and began dragging the walkers out of the cells so we could take them outside.

"What do you think?" Rick questioned walking down the stairs that lead to the second row of cells as Lori, Carol, Beth, Carl, Maggie, Glenn, and Hershel walked into the cell block with all of our gear.

"Home sweet home." Glenn muttered walking through the door.

"For the time being." Rick responded as I took some bags from Lori and Carol, placing them along the wall out of the way, so we could finish cleaning the area.

"Is it secure?" Lori asked taking in the room.

"This cell block is." Rick answered glancing over at her before Hershel began talking.

"What about the rest of the prison?" Hershel asked looking at Rick.

"In the morning, we'll find the cafeteria and infirmary." Rick stated walking over to the others as I climbed up the stairs, walking over to Daryl, who just finished cleaning the last of the cells.

"We'll sleep in cells?" Beth asked and Rick nodded.

"I found keys on some guards. Daryl and Alita has a set too." Rick said glancing up at Daryl and I.

"We ain't sleepin' in no cage. We'll take the perch." Daryl suddenly said pointing towards the platform next to the top of the stairs and I smiled. 

Daryl wouldn't want to sleep in a cell and I was glad he chose that spot, it was high and gave us a view of the whole cell block, so we could see everything. Soon I watched as everyone began checking out the cells.

Maggie and Glenn took the first cell, Beth the next one, Hershel in the one next to her, as Lori and Carol climbed up the stairs walking past Daryl and I as they made their way towards the other cells, choosing one and walked in, as Carl chose the one near the perch.

"Hey, help me grab a mattress, please." I suddenly said grabbing Daryl's hand as I pulled him towards one of the spare cells as the two of us grabbed the cleanest mattress.

Dragging it from the cell as I dropped it on the perch, making sure there was room for people to still access the stairs easily. I watched Daryl grab his poncho as I walked down the stairs, grabbing my bag as I looked back at Daryl, who flopped down on the mattress and I couldn't help but chuckle as I climbed back up stairs.

Daryl laid on his back, one arm under his head for support, while he watched me as I climbed the stairs throwing my bag on top of the mattress so I could use it as a pillow before I sat down beside him. Later Daryl turns to me and throws his arm over me. I cuddled up to him, my eyes starting to get heavy.

"Night, Daryl." I said with a small yawn.

"Night." He mumbled back before I fell asleep.

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