Chapter 149: War Time!!

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoy the Chapter.)

Alita's Point of View

I smiled as Foxy come running back to me, with Alita and Evelyn playing with the dogs.

Leaning down I take the ball from him as the two girls were playing with the other dogs. I chuck it again and Foxy happily goes running after it.

Looking up I see Rick on the balcony reading a letter, he looked thoughtful, teary eyed so it wasn't hard to imagine who must've wrote it.

Taking the ball, I looked at the slobber covering it.

"Hey, Alita, Evelyn! Would you two like to help me with the dogs?" I asked the two, and they ran up to me nodding happily.

"Yes, Aunt Alita!" Both of them said energetically as we all went inside to feed the dogs, and give them some water.

-Time skip-

As Alita and Evelyn were taking a nap inside, I was outside as the dogs were wrestling in the grass.

"Thinking? Waiting?" I hear, I looked up to see Ash as she sits down next to me.

"The girls are good. The rest of us try to keep busy to not think about what happened to some of us. And- Are you waiting for Daryl to come back?" She asked me.

"That's why I have the dogs out, to take my mind off things." I told her and she nods understanding.

"You know I found something. Someone here must've had you and Nate's albums." She informs me happily.

"We can listen to that while people take a break." I tell her, giving her a small smile as she gives me a huge smile.

"That's more like it!" She says happily as we gave each other a high five.

"Just like our time at the prison!" She states.

I nodded at remembering that time at the prison, where we were singing and dancing for a little bit.

-Time skip-

When we were outside, it was finally night. Daryl ran up to me, held me to his chest for what I could've sworn was an hour, Ash was hugged by Nate since he joined Rosita and Daryl.

Then when Daryl and I are alone, he told me that he had a surprise for me, which confused me for a bit.

Once we got to our room, I saw that he had food laid out for us, since he knew that I couldn't hunt in wolf form for a while.

'He actually hunted for me?' I thought as I smiled at him, and he gave me a small smile.

'Thank you!' I mentally told him as he looked at me surprised.

Since that it was one of the perks that I had, he nodded at me still having a small smile on his face.

-Time skip.-

Kneeling down I scratch Foxy's ears, kissing his head.

"You're not coming today, can't have you getting hurt." I tell him as he licks my face, chuckling I pat his side before getting up.

Then I went reaching over I pull my pistols off the bed and I shove them on my waistband, as well as a rifle.

Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes, asking God for protection. Asking Dale, Hershel, and my Dad for wisdom and to watch over us.

I place my hands over Daryl's when he wraps his arms around my waist, leaning my head back against his.

"You could stay." He mumbles.

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