Chapter 79: On the Road Again

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Alita's Point of View

We stopped the woods to rest, I sit down leaning against a tree and I sighed, closing my eyes.

"Here." I heard Daryl's rough voice, and I opened my eyes, he hands me some jerky. I smiled at him, as we split it into two.

"Thanks." I whispered, he sits down next to me grabbing my hand, I kissed his knuckles before the two if us turned back to our food.

-Time skip-

That night I rest against Daryl listening to the bugs, the fire helps keeps us warm in the declining temperatures.

I looked over to see Carol go off by herself.

"Go talk to her." I whispered to him, Daryl looks down at me.

"She needs someone to talk to, someone she trusts the most." I muttered, he nods and goes over.

I sighed a little, my eyes drift over to Ash, who's passed out, and I smiled a little.

Soon I rested my hand over my eyes, as I took a deep breath, hearing a twig snap I look over, and Daryl stands next to me.

I went into the bag that Ash and I kept to pull out his old poncho, and I gave it to Daryl.

I see him a bit surprised, then he gave me a small smile, taking it from me, as I shifted over allowing him to sit down, he pulls me into his side.

"Get some sleep, we're moving at daylight." He mumbles, I nodded. Closing my eyes, I wrapped my arms around him before I eventually falling asleep.

-Time skip to morning-

As we're going we hear footsteps, we raise out guns at the person, with Daryl steps out from behind a tree holding some squirrels.

"I surrender." He comments. I lowered my pistol beginning to walk again, I then looked up when Rick whistles.

"Keep close." He tells us, I picked up my pace.

"Ready to get some concrete under you feet?" Abraham asks Rick, and I glanced at him.

"I think it's time." Rick tells him.

"That is sweet music to my ears, Officer. Take the next road we come to, try to get back going north till we find a vehicle. Good?" Abraham asks.

"Good." Rick tells him, I walk past them making my way up front to Daryl.

I hissed a little feeling pain shooting through my right arm, he looks over at me. I look at my arm to see it with a bit of blood from a cut that I didn't notice on it.

"Are you okay? Do we need to stop?" He asks, I shook my head.

"I'm just a little sore, and there ain't no point, it's just gonna keep being sore. I'd rather just keep walking." I mumbled, he nods a little.

"Help! Help, anybody! Help!" A man shouts, Rick throws his hand up signaling for us to stop.

"Dad, come on. Come on." Carl begs his father to help the person.

Rick gives in and we rushed towards the screaming. We then find a man on top of a rock with walkers grabbing at him. It doesn't take long for our people to kill the few walkers.

"We're clear. Keep watch." Rick orders, I look up at the rock, the shaking man is wearing a priest collar.

"Come on down." Rick tells him, he slowly jumps down.

"You okay?" Rick asks the shaking man, he holds up a finger before he throws up, I scrunch my nose up in disgust.

"Sorry." He apologizes.

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