Chapter 67: Making a Community

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing for three Chapters. Hope you enjoy Season 4.)

Ash's Point of View

It's bright happy day here at the prison and something has happened since we stole the Governor's people.

We've grown a garden with the help of Alita and Hershel, along with vegetables, we've have pigs which is great.

It means that we're building this into more than a prison and a safe place, we're making it a home with the help of the new ones that were brought over.

And the people are what makes a home. I don't know the new ones that well.

But they were thankful for us bringing them here, and now they had a new life.

When Hershel checked the bruises on Alita she seemed like she has finally healed completely.

And then there was even a school for the kids, but Alita and I talked for a while and we know that for a fact Carl wasn't really fond of...

Alita's Point of View

I laid next to Daryl taking in his facial features as he sleeps, I wanted to run my fingers over his face but I didn't want to wake him up.

"Ya know, it's weird to stare at people while they sleep." He says peeking an eye open.

'Well, ****.' I thought for a second.

"Sorry..." I said blushing a little before my eyebrows knit together.

"Hey, it's weird to act like you're asleep when you're clearly awake." I threw back, he laughs and gets on top of me kissing me deeply.

I smile into the kiss tangling my fingers in his hair. But unfortunately before it can get too heated Foxy comes over and licks Daryl across the face.

Daryl groans pulling away. He pushed the dog off and wipes off his face, I laughed a little patting Foxy.

"That **** dog is a cock block." Daryl grumbles.

I chuckled kissing him once more before pulling away an standing up, I held a hand down to him.

"Come on, might as well get up and get something to eat." I said as Daryl groans, but takes my hands letting me pull him up.

-Time skip-

Daryl keeps his arm around me as we walked over to where Carol was cooking.

"Morning, Daryl, Alita." The doctor greets us.

"What's up, Dr. S?" Daryl says as we keep going

Random people keep saying good morning or kept calling me by different names based off what they saw until.

We stopped where Carol is, Daryl looks around at them. Of course I greeted them with Daryl grunting at my behavior as I chuckled a bit with me knowing that Foxy was with Ash or Carl for the time being.

"Smells good." Daryl says grabbing a bowl.

"It always does if Carol's cooking." I told him smiling at Carol.

"Thank you." She says returning the smile at me.

"Just so you know, we liked you first." Carol jokes, and I smiled holding in my laughter.

"Stop." Daryl tells her eating some of the meat, then I picked up my plate eating,

"You know, Rick brought in a lot of them too." Daryl points out.

"Not recently. Give the stranger sanctuary, keeping people fed, you're gonna have to learn to live with the love." Carol tells him.

"Oh, be careful with the 'L' word, he might throw up." I commented chuckling, Carol laughs along with me, as Daryl cuts the me off and gives Carol a look.

"Right." He mumbles looking at me.

"I need you two to see something. Patrick, you want to take over?" Carol asks the teenage boy.

"Yes, ma'am." He says stepping up, Daryl and I walked around the table to follow Carol.

"Uh, Mr. Dixon. I just wanted to thank you for bringing that deer back yesterday. It was a real treat, sir. And I'd be honored to shake your hand." Patrick says sticking his hand out.

When Daryl doesn't move I elbowed him in the ribs, he cuts me a look before licking the grease off of his fingers and grasping the boy's hand, I shook my head as Carol snorts.

"You look nice today, Miss Cullen. Nice to finally meet the woman that helped me out a lot before." Patrick starts looking at me.

"Also, I love your tattoos that you have gotten cause of the cause." Patrick complements.

I looked down at the tattoos before looking up at the boy, realizing what he meant when he said I helped him before.

"Uh, thanks. And nice to meet you too kiddo." I told him, as Daryl puts his arm around me in a possessive manner.

"It's Mrs. Dixon, to you." He growls out before leading me away. Carol and I burst out laughing once we're away from the poor kid.

"Are you scared of some 15 year old is gonna steal me, Dixon?" I asked jokingly, he grumbles a little.

"I didn't like how he looked at ya." He says to me.

"Awe, look who's jealous." Carol coos pinching his cheek.

Daryl slaps her hand away causing both Carol and I to laugh again. I rubbed Daryl's arm a little leaning close to him as Carol walks ahead of us.

"Well, I think you should know, I found the way you licked your fingers sexy as ****." I whispered.

He squeezes me tighter as we walked making me chuckle a bit. Once we got to the fences of the prison Carol starts talking to us.

"About today, I don't know if we're gonna be able to spare a lot of people for the run." Carol tells us.

"That place is good to go. We're gonna move on it." Daryl says to us.

"Yeah. The thing is, we had a pretty bug buildup overnight. Dozens more towards tower three." I started looking at the fences.

"It's getting as bad as last month. They don't spread out anymore." I said looking over the massive pile of walkers, I bite my lip.

"With more of us sitting here, we're drawing more of them out. You get enough of those **** fence-clingers, they start to herd up." Carol starts.

"Pushing against the fence again. It's manageable, but unless we get ahead of it, not for long. Sorry, Pookie." Carol apologizes to him.

Daryl scoffs pushing her gently as he walks away, I pat her shoulder giving her a sad smile and then I followed him.

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