Chapter 139: Negan at the Gates!

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing for a while

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing for a while. Hope you guys enjoy the Chapter.)

Alita's Point of View

I sighed nervously as I walked towards the house from the church.

"Aunt Alita!" I heard, I turned to see Carl.

"Yeah, kiddo?" I asked.

"I need your help." He responds.

"With?" I asked curiously.

"Follow me." He starts, walking away, sighing again I follow after him.

-Time skip-

I pull the cover off the sewer and Carl drops the bag of food and water down it, I looked up at him.

His face was covered in sweat and he was panting like he had just ran a race, I'm worried that he was getting sick.

"Carl." I heard, looking up I see Michonne coming towards us.

"I've been lookin' for you. We're about ready to head out. What are you doing?" She asks.

"I'm helping someone. A traveler." He tells her.

"In the sewer?" She asks looking at me, I shrugged a little.

"I'm just following his lead." I mumbled.

Our conversation is cut short when a banging comes from the wall, my hand falls to my gun.

There's feedback before a voice meets our ears.

"You may be wondering why the **** your lookouts didn't sound the alarm." Negan, my heart races and chills run over my body hearing that ****** voice.

"See, we are polite. I mean, I don't know when they;re gonna wake up from that kinda shot, but they should wake up. So let's just cut through the cow ****- You lose. It's over." Negan states.

My breathing starts to pick up as I take a step back, I need to find people. Daryl, Nate-

"So you're gonna line up in front of your little houses, and you're gonna work up some apologizes, and then the person with the lamest one is gonna get killed." Negan adds.

"****." I whispered.

"I know for a fact you've got my wife in there." He states as I grind my teeth, as my pointed wolf teeth started showing as well as my ears.

"Now I don't want Alita getting injured, seeing how she's pregnant and all, so lets get this over with soon." Negan says.

"Alita!" Someone whispers, looking over I see Nate.

Walking over to him I grabbed his arm as I glanced back at the gate.

"Get Ash, tell her to get everything she can and get ready to leave." I tell him, he nods and starts to walk away.

"And Nate..." I started, he looks back at me.

"You two be careful and safe." I tell him, he nods and runs off.

"Then I kill Rick in front of everybody, and we move on. You have three- Count 'em, three minutes to open this gate, or we start bombing the **** out of you!" Negan states.

"They got out." Michonne says.

Negan begins to whistle and my heart catches in my throat.

"Come on." Carl says as he covers the sewer back up then looks at Michonne who froze in her spot.

"Michonne! Come on!" I tell her, with me following Michonne and Carl as Negan continues to whistle.

"You need to make it look like we;re escaping out back." Carl says as he throws some can in a bag.

As Negan's whistling could still be heard.

"Get to the woods, halfway to the quarry, and but the lights. Get enough of a lead on them, hit them, and get away on foot. You know where we'll be. Just have to get the guns, get everyone else here, and we'll meet you there." He tells Toby and a few others.

"Two minutes, people!" Negan reminds us.

"Dip deep. I want these apologizes to be memorable. Bonus points for creativity. Work up a poem, sing a song. I love that ****" Negan states.

"Get going. There's gonna be people in the infirmary. They're gonna need your help." Carl tells them, they turn and rush to do as told.

I look at Daryl whose eyes are trained on the gates, walking over to him, I rest my hand on his arm.

He looks at me, I give him a tight smile as I look over his face.

I want to remember every detail of him, just in case something happens to one of us or Negan takes me away.

"Don't look at me like that." He says shaking his head,

"Like what?" I ask.

"Like we're about to die, we're gonna be alright." He reassures me.

More like both of us, as he pulls me into his side, I nod a little as Negan begins to whistle again.

"Look, we got guns. We an fight them," Tara says, as Rosita walks over to her.

"We will, but not now. Carl's right." She points out.

"Carl, we can't let then have this place." Michonne argues.

"We cab. All we need to do is survive tongiht. This is my show. You said it. This is my plan, and you're gonna do it." He says putting his foot down.

"You're all gonna do it. So let's go!" He says nodding at Daryl as he goes by, Daryl nods back.

"Carl!" I called out.

He turns back to me, walking over to him I push his hair out of his eyes.

"You stay safe." I said kissing his cheek.

"You too." He whispers.

"One minute!" Negan shouts.

"One Minute!" Negan once again shouts, letting Carl and I turn and run with Daryl and the others.

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