Chapter 3: Thoughts

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(Author/ Red: So What I figured it was season 2, Episode 2 called "Bloodletting" is when Hershel and the Greenes finally come into the show. Also this is the rest of her tattoos, so welcome to season 1 and 2 for Alita at least, and season 2 of the show.)

Alita's Point of View

It had been a little over two weeks since Rick's group arrived at the farm, Carl (the young boy) is up and moving again, and I enjoyed getting to know the kid.

I always wondered how it was like to have a little brother, I still remember the day they arrived vividly. Rick and Shane (the guy with Otis) was running in to the house with the small covered in blood.

I wasn't sure if he would make it at first, but he pulled through for a bit when I was helping both the Greenes and Rick's group.

But I had taken the time to talk and get to know everyone in their group. They were good people; I know so, even though Hershel was still skeptical of them.

The Korean boy, Glenn, seemed to take a liking to Maggie. It made me smile when she would try to convince me that she didn't like him back.

I've always have been able to see right through her tough exterior and she knew it too, since we grew up being friends thanks to Shawn.

The group has been looking for a little girl named Sophia, who I found out was Carol's daughter, and Carol was torn to pieces about it.

I tried my best to make Carol feel comfortable and keep her hopeful while some of the group were out looking for Sophia.

This morning I decided to got out to look for Nate, and some of the others that were with me, if they are alive.

I was doing it once again like I did before Rick's group got here. I even tried to help them find Sophia too, while at it.

I knew there was a better chance of finding them if there were more people looking. After a while I came out of my tent in my black leather jacket, black tee, and black ripped jeans, as I pulled out my black boots.

Then when I pulled out my crossbow and arrows my dad had given me for my 19th birthday, I knew Hershel didn't like me having weapons, but he wasn't about to take away the weapons my dad wanted me to have.

I lost my parents due to the them being taken out by a group that attacked us at the beginning of the apocalypse. I put the crossbow on my back and strapped my other weapons in my boots, or on my hip.

Maggie already left and has told me earlier that she was going out on a run. I chuckled to myself knowing that she was with Glenn since I overheard him talking to Lori about it yesterday.

I knew Lori was pregnant, but I kept it to myself. I was okay with keeping secrets.

When I was out of my tent completely I see Shane, Andrea, Maggie, Rick, and Hershel planning on where to look for Sophia.

Hershel has told Rick and Shane that they couldn't go out in the woods because of Rick's loss of blood, and Shane's hurt ankle. Daryl said he'd go and the I'll go with him, but he didn't want me to go with him.

"Hey, I think I'm gonna be headin' out." Daryl told me as I nodded.

"Just be careful alright. This is a new area for you." I told Daryl, as he nodded and surprisingly he gave me a quick yet sincere hug before turning and heading towards the tree line.

I looked at the others, who were shocked, as I just shrugged it off. Now I know what your thinking, 'Why would Daryl hug me like that?'

Well, it's because I met the Dixon brothers already, I lived near them before they moved out of their dad's house, and before I left for California. I actually met Daryl and Merle out hunting...

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