Chapter 30: Helping Prisoners

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No One's Point of View

"A riot broke out. Never seen anything like it." The taller man added.

"Attica on speed, man. Ever heard about dudes going cannibal, dying, coming back to life? Crazy." Another man stated.

"One guard looked out for us, locked us up in the cafeteria. Told us to sit tight, threw me this piece of *****, said he'd be back. That was 292 days ago. We were thinking that the army or national guard should be showing up any day now." The leader explained, his gun still hovering in Alita's direction, but she knew he wasn't going to shoot.

"There is no army. No government, no hospital, no police. It's all gone." Rick informed and Alita could see them slowly process what Rick just said as they stared at them all in shock.

"For real?" The blonde guy questioned and Rick nodded.

"What abut my kids?"

"My old lady?"

"Yo, you got a cell phone or something that we can call our families?" One of them questioned.

'Wow, they really had no idea what's been going on in the world...' Alita thought hearing what these guys were asking them.

"Ya'll just don't get it, do ya?" Daryl questioned as Alita glanced over at him.

"No phones, no computers. As far as we can see, at least half of the population has been wiped out. Probably more. Come see for yourself." Rick said motioning towards the door by the stairs that lead outside. 

Alita stood back, lowering her crossbow once the leader lowered his gun, following the other prisoners towards the door as she, Daryl, Rick and T-Dog followed them outside into the courtyard that was cleared yesterday.

"*****, the sun feels good." One of them commented.

"They're all dead." Another stated, staring at all of the dead bodies along the ground. 

The four of them stood back a bit, letting the prisoners take everything in as Alita glanced around the courtyard full of dead corpses.

"So, what is this? Like a disease?" One of them asked, poking one of the dead bodies with the end of his shovel.

"Yeah, and we're all infected." Rick replied.

"What do you mean infected? Like AIDs or something?" The blonde man asked.

"If I was to kill ya, shoot an arrow in your chest, you'd come back as one of these things. It's gonna happen to all of us." Daryl answered pointing towards the walkers banging on the fence in the distance. 

Nobody said anything for a few seconds before the leader walked towards Rick, obviously working out that he was the leader of the group or not.

"Where'd you come from?" He questioned staring at Rick.

"Atlanta." Rick replied.

"Where are you headed?" The leader asked.

"For now, nowhere." Rick answered sternly, not packing down.

"I guess you can take that area down there near the water. Should be comfortable." The leader said motioning to wherever he was referring to.

'Did this guy really think we were going to give up the prison?' Alita asked herself in thought.

"We're using that field for crops. We took out those walkers. This prison is ours." Rick said, but it was clear that the other man wasn't too happy about that as he took a step towards Rick causing Alita to tighten her grip on her crossbow, ready to raise it the second the man stepped out of line.

"Slow down, cowboy. This is prison. We were here first." The leader argued and Alita couldn't help the laugh that left her lips as she took a few steps over to Rick. Daryl watched her carefully from the left, not knowing what she was planning.

"Locked in a broom closet?" Alita questioned, not bothering to hide the amusement in her voice as she reached Rick's side.

"We took it, yet you free. It's ours. We split blood!" Rick shouted softly, but the man shook his head.

"We're moving back into our cell block." He declared glaring between Angel and Rick.

"You'll have to get your own." Alita responded sternly, but again the man shook his head taking another step forwards.

"I've still got personal artifacts in there. That's about as mine as it gets." The leader suddenly shouted pulling his gun back out and aiming it at Rick as the other prisoners rushed to their leader's side.

"Who, whoa. Relax fellas." Alita quickly said holding her hands out to try to show that she didn't want to fight.

"Take it easy, we'll work this out." Alita said calmly, glancing at each of the prisoners until she was focused back on the leader with the gun.

"I ain't going back in the cafeteria for one more minute." The leader stated, lowering his gun as he glared at Rick.

"There are other cell blocks." The blonde prisoner said.

"Ya'll could leave. Try your luck out on the road." Daryl muttered behind Alita and she quickly glanced over at him noticing his crossbow was raised at the prisoners.

"If theses four ***** can do all this, the least we can do is take out another cell block. Atlanta here will spot us some real weapons. Won't you, boss?" The leader suddenly said, his voice now calm.

"How stocked is that cafeteria? It must have plenty of food. Five guys lasting almost a year?" Rick asked.

"It sure as **** don't look like anybody's been starving." Daryl stated, not lowering his crossbow.

"There's only a little left." The leader stated.

"We'll take half. In exchange, we'll help clear out a cell block." Rick said before one of the other prisoners started talking.

"Didn't you hear him? There's only a little left." One of the other prisoners stated.

"Bet you got more food than you got choices. You pay, we'll play." Rick responded and the leader nodded.

"Well, lets be clear. If we see you out here anywhere near our people, if I so much as even catch a whiff of your scent, I will kill you." Rick stated, not breaking eye contact with the man.

"Deal." The leader agreed and within a few minutes they were all walking back inside the prison, to head to the cafeteria to get half of the supplies.

"You guys got this?" Alita questioned looking over at Rick and Daryl as T-Dog closed the door behind them.

"Yeah, why? Where are you going?" Rick questioned in confusion as he glanced over at her, still keeping an eye on the prisoners as they started making their way through the large room towards the other door.

"I think I got medicine somewhere in my bag that Hershel could use. It might help." Alita quickly explained and Rick nodded as she walked over to Daryl.

"Be careful and take this, I don't trust the leader." She whispered, handing Daryl her Glock 19 knowing all he had was the crossbow and hunting knife. 

(Author/Red: One of her handguns.)

"Me neither." Daryl whispered, tucking the gun into the back of his belt before he followed the others through the far door as Alita made her way towards the cell block.

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