Chapter 9: Sophia...?

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(Author/Red: This part of the show killed me! Sophia was suppose to survive the whole thing and they killed her off. Yet I also felt sympathy for Carol that was her kid that she just lost. Hope you enjoy the chapter.)

Alita's Point of View

When the memory faded I see Shane giving everyone their guns and saying they'd all go out themselves and start looking again, with or without Rick, who had disappeared with Hershel hours ago. 

However, as Shane finished saying that, he turned to see Rick and Hershel leading a walker each on animal control poles. The entire group ran down to the barn where they were and it led to Shane shooting a walker in the stomach three times to show Hershel that a 'living person couldn't walk away from it.'

"They're sick! They need help!" Hershel yelled at the group. They couldn't be helped, but Maggie and I put our two cent.

"They aren't sick, daddy!" I hear her yell as she ran towards him. I noticed that they joined us outside.

"One of them almost killed me the other day! I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Glenn savin' me!" She yells at Hershel,

"She's right." Shane began.

"They ain't sick! There's no helpin' em. Keepin' em around puts everyone else in danger." He yelled at the group. 

'To be completely honest, I've never really trusted Shane since he had arrived and he was really shady, and made me uncomfortable, but he was right. It has to end...' I thought as I stepped from behind Daryl.

"He's right Hershel... We can't keep them here." I said sighing, as Hershel looks between Maggie and I for a moment.

"I- I can't..." Hershel says looking down towards the ground.

"I can." Shane stated as he began walking towards the barn.

"Shane, don't!" Rick called after him, but Shane didn't stop. 

I could tell Rick didn't agree with what Hershel was doing, but he was trying to do right by him. Soon Shane approached the barn doors and ripped off the lock, leaving the doors open for the walkers. He stepped back and raised his gun.

"NO!" Beth screamed as she began running towards Shane. Then Jimmy grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards him. 

She struggled to get out of his grasp, but he held her arms at her sides as she began to sob. Daryl and I stepped in front of them to block Beth's view of what was about to happen, her mother was in that barn. She didn't need to witness her death a second time. As the walkers began to spill out of the barn, more of Rick's group raised their guns and began to shoot.

In the corner of my eye I see Jimmy turn Beth around and let her sob into his chest, keeping her eyes hidden from the undead massacre that was starting to take place. I looked over to see Maggie comforting Hershel as he watched his family and friends leave the planet forever.

Maggie met with my eyes and gave me a small nod, I returned the gesture, she was smart, she knew what I was planning on doing was right, as I took my pistol out and went to start shooting with Daryl following my lead with a rifle.

Walkers fell to the ground, one after the other. This hissing and growling finally stopped and I knew it was over every last one of them... Dead. There was a moment for silence... All I could hear were Beth's sobs and the heavy breathing of the group. I could tell Beth was calming down as a noise came from the barn. 

Everyone raised their guns as one more walker approached from behind the doors. Beth turned around, now clutching onto Hershel... Later I went to Daryl and Carol's sides, soon seeing a walker come out... A young girl...? I felt my heat drop as the sun light shined on to her rotting skin. I've only seen adult walkers, never a child...

"Sophia!" Carol screamed as she started running towards the young girl. The young, dead girl... Soon it hits me... That was the little girl the group and I have been looking for... Daryl grabbed Carol before she could reach her, she collapsed in his arms as she cried out Sophia's name over and over again.

I felt my heart break as I joined Carol on the ground, shielding her view of her undead daughter. I watched as Rick walked towards the girl and held his gun to her head. He hesitated for a moment before pulling the trigger, allowing her to finally be at peace. Soon I tried to help Carol stand up, but she only pushed me away and ran towards the house.

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