Chapter 46: More arguing

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No One's Point of View

"It won't work." Rick stated shaking his head as Rick, Maggie, Glenn, Daryl, and Alita stood on the road, deciding what to do about Merle.

While Ash, Foxy, and the lady with the sword stayed by the car, with Ash went towards Merle, and Foxy sat next to Alita and Daryl.

"It's gotta." Daryl responded from beside Alita and she nodded in agreement, there was no debate about this. 

It's Merle and Ash, they weren't gonna just leave them there, but Foxy was welcomed to the group immediately, after the group saw the dog kill something and brought back a squirrel.

"It'll stir things up." Rick argued and Alita sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose trying to dull her headache which she wasn't sure was from all the arguing or being hit in the head so many times in the past 24 hours.

"Look, the Governor is probably on the way to the prison right now. Merle and Ash knows how he thinks and we could use the muscle." Daryl tried to reason, but he would have been better off talking to a brick wall because there was no way Rick and Glenn would let Merle and Ash stay.

"Do you really want them sleeping in the same cell block as Carol or Beth?" Glenn suddenly questioned staring at Daryl.

"They aren't rapists." Alita responded.

Merle might be an *******, but he would never do that. Ash wouldn't do that to anyone, even if it's her worst enemy.

"Well, Merle's buddy is. You know that more than anyone!" Glenn snapped looking over at Alita and she froze, shocked that he would say that in front of the others. 

She didn't want anyone knowing about what happened in that room other than Maggie. Alita sighed looking down at the ground feeling Daryl's head snap around to her once he realized what Glenn said and she could feel Rick look at her as well, but she could tell Maggie looked at Glenn pissed, before Rick started talking again.

"There's no way Merle's gonna live there without putting everyone at each other's throats." Rick said looking away from Alita as he turned to Daryl.

"Also we don't know Ash as well as you Alita." Rick says to Alita.

"So, you're gonna cut Merle and Ash loose and bring the last samurai with us?" Daryl questioned pointing to the woman who was still leaning against the car watching the five with the dog (German Shepard) still by Alita's side.

"She's not coming back." Rick answered, glancing over at her before back to the four.

"She's not in a statute be on her own. She did bring you guys to us." Maggie spoke up, but Rick shook his head.

"Then ditched us." Rick littered as Alita looked over a the woman, spotting Merle with Ash in the woods leaning against a tree as they waited for the group to finish.

"That's right. We don't know who she is. But Merle, Merle's blood. Ash is Alita's cousin." Daryl said, fixing the strap of his crossbow as he looked around at the rest of the group in front of him.

"No, Merle and Ash, they are your blood. My blood, my family is standing right here and waiting for us back at the prison." Glenn replied sternly remembering Alita's words from before and Alita had to bite her lip, knowing if she started talking then another argument would start.

"And you guys are part of that family too. But they are not." Rick added, looking between Alita and Daryl.

"Man, y'all don't know." Daryl muttered throwing his hands in the air in defeat as he looked over at Alita with pleading eyes and she knew what he was thinking and gave him a nod, indicating that she was gonna follow him. 

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