Chapter 4: How we Met

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(Author/Red: Yes! The first flashback of the story! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Also in this flashback she was wearing the clothes on the left.)

Alita's Point of View

"Foxy follow!" I told my dog as he starts tracking the buck. I followed close behind with my crossbow and knives with me.

Soon I hear Foxy growl to my right and I pointed my crossbow at that direction to see a guy with a crossbow similar to mine doing the same thing as me.

Later I see another man come up behind him, and Foxy starts growling at the two.

"Oh look at what we got here little brother!" I hear the guy behind the crossbow man said, while looking at me chuckling.

During this time it my dog and I just moved to the outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia, now sharing a house with a old friend of mine.

"Hello there sugar... Would you like to come with me to go to someplace private while Darlene over here hunts that deer...?" The man behind the hunter said to me instead of his brother.

"I ain't ya d*** hunter, bro! Merle! Shut up!" The hunter in front of 'Merle' said as his bow is still on me, and I rolled my eyes, while the both of us put down our crossbow down.

"Oh, come on little brother, we found this pretty doll with a rat." Merle says to his so called brother.

By this time my roommate was already abusing me for always doing something he says was wrong, so I go to the woods to have time to myself with my dog.

OnceI focused back to where I was I kept hearing the two brothers argue a lot as I rolled my eyes once again at the two since they were arguing like an old married couple.

"Wolf... I go by Wolf, but my real name is Alita... Alita Cullen." I said getting the brothers attention as Merle looked at me shocked and the guy with the crossbow nodded at me.

"Daryl... Daryl Dixon." The hunter said looking at me as I nodded smiling a bit, as thre three of us decided to go after the buck together with my dog leading.

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