Chapter 104: Daryl, I'm...

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Alita's Point of View

It was night by the time we got back, and we're met by one **** of a sight, Alexandria is full of walkers.

"Oh boy." I mumbled.

Me, Abraham and Sasha got out and headed up so they got a vantage point and we started taking the walkers out, Glenn opens the gates and Daryl drives through.

Glenn jumps in as Abraham and Sasha helped Maggie and Enid on the top of the tanker.

"What the **** happened?" Daryl questions.

"I don't know. I just got back. Listen... We can— We can lead some of them away, but they're scattered." Glenn stated.

"No, we get 'em all together. Won't have to lead 'em away." Daryl says, he hits the roof before we started moving.

He pulls up to the pond, the others get in the cab while I followed Daryl. He pulls a lever and the fuel pours into the water.

After it's empty we climbed on top of the tanker, and Abe pulls us forwards.

"Alright, that's it." He says hitting the top, the overwhelming growls of the walkers gets the best of me.

I touch Daryl's arm—

It's now or never, well never ain't an option—

"I need to tell you something." I started.

"Can it wait?" He asks getting the rocket launcher ready.

"I don't think I'll have the guts to say it again." I said and he looks at me.

"Daryl..." I started.


I looked up when I hear footsteps making their way down the street, I see Carl angrily walking to me.

"What's up, kid?" I asked, he stops and looks at me.

"Nothing." He grumbles, I pushed myself up and walked over to him, I nudged him on his arm.

"Let's take a walk while you tell me about 'nothing', hmm?" I said to him, he sighs, but walks with me.

After walking for a few minutes in silence I sighed and looked over at the boy.

"Alright, spill your guts. What's got you upset?" I asked him.

"I asked my dad to teach me how to drive." He says to me.

"And how did that go?" I asked even though I already know the answer.

"He said no." Carl huffs.

"Why do you want to drive so bad? It's the apocalypse." I pointed out.

"Exactly. What if something happens and I have to get us out of here? I need to know how to drive so I can do that." He argues, and I chew on my lip in thought.

"I'm going on a run, gotta grab something. You wanna go?" I asked him.

"No—" He started.

"You're going." I stated.

"But—" He tried starting again.

"See you at the gate, Carly." I called behind me as I walked off, as I heard him chuckle a bit.

Later I drove until I couldn't see the gates of Alexandria anymore, I stopped, putting the car in park.

"What are you doing?" Carl asks, I grinned at him.

Then I opened my door getting out and headed over to his side, I opened his door.

"Get out of my seat, would ya." I told him.

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