Chapter 68: A Run go Wrong

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Alita's Pint of View

We loaded up the truck for the run, I looked over at Beth when she walks up to one of the ones going with us.

"Hey. I was just gonna come find you." Zack, the boy who Beth's been dating tells her before kissing her.

"What's up?" Beth asks, I lean against the ruck being noisy, and an overprotective sister.

"Well, the council pulled back everyone on the coal crew from going on the run. They're short handed right now." Zack starts.

"I figured I'd step up to help, go with 'em. Just, you know, wanted to make sure that I saw you before." Zack tells her.

"Okay." Beth says, I glanced over at Daryl who glances at the two with an eye roll.

"Yeah, I just- 'Cause, you know, it's dangerous going out there." Zach points out, Beth chuckles.

"I know." She says kissing him on the cheek and walking away.

"Okay, are you gonna say goodbye?" He asks her.

"Nope." She calls back still walking away.

"It's like a **** romance novel." Daryl comments throwing something the back of the truck, I chuckled walking over to him.

"Oh, don't be so grumpy. Young love is a beautiful... Little... Gross thing." I tell him, he snorts pushing me a little bit.

Yet I rear back smacking him as I go to walk away, but I didn't get far when he grabs me lifting me off my feet.

I laughed a little he sets me back down and kisses my head gently.

"You're such a trouble maker, you know that?" He mumbles, I shrugged a little smiling at him.

"Hey." We looked over at Bob coming over, Bob is one of our newest additions.

Daryl and Glenn had found him by himself and brought him back, he seems like a nice guy.

"I'd like to start pulling my weight around here." He tells Sasha.

"Bob, it's only been a week." She points out.

"That's a week worth of meals, a roof over me head. Let me earn my keep." Bob tells her.

"You were out on your own when Daryl found you?" Sasha asks.

"That's right." He answered her.

"I just want to make sure you know how to play on team." Sasha explains.

"We ain't gonna do it unless it's easy." Daryl says to her as he walks behind with me nodding walking to the two.

"You know he was a medic in the Army." Glenn points out.

"You a **** of a tough sell. You know that?" Bob asks, Sasha stares at him for a moment.

"Okay." She caves, as I threw my leg over my bike as I hear Daryl crank his bike.

I then cranked mine, and then we started to head out.

As we head to the main gate we see Michonne has came back from her run, we stopped by her and Rick.

"Well, look who's back." Daryl comments as the both of us turned off our bikes.

"Didn't find him." She tells us. She had been out there looking for the Governor, and hearing that she didn't find him gave me a sense of worry and peace at the same time.

I wanted to get revenge on the Governor because of Merle, but I knew getting revenge wouldn't help anyone.

"Glad to see you in one peace." Daryl tells her and I nodded at that statement towards her.

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