Chapter 58: We can't give Michonne up!

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing for a seven chapters. Hope you enjoy the chapter.)

No One's Point of View

"Daryl? Alita? You up there?" Rick's voice shouted, waking them from their sleep.

Alita blinked her eyes open a few times taking in her surroundings and she realized she was still in the watch tower.

"What the ****?" Daryl mumbled from beside Alita.

She chuckled looking over at him as he rolled onto his back, covering his eyes with the back of his hand from the morning sunlight.

She watched Daryl for a few seconds, but it was clear he didn't want to get up just yet and Alita rolled her eyes.

Throwing his poncho off her body, she stood up and began walking towards the door that lead to the platform.

"What's up?" Alita called leaning against the railing as she looked down to find Rick and Hershel standing near the gate looking up at the tower.

She tried her best to look awake as her fingers ran through her messy hair and straightened her shirt, since her jacket was with the poncho.

"Can you guys come down here, we need to talk." Rick replied, his voice now softer and Alita realized whatever he wanted to talk about he didn't want other people hearing.

"We'll be down in a second." Alita shouted before she opened the door to the guard tower finding Daryl sitting up against the wall.

His hair spiked up in different directions as he rubbed eyes and she chuckled walking over to him.

"Rick and Hershel wants to talk, it sounds serious." Alita stated, crouching down in front of him as she gently patted his hair back down.

"Well let's go see what it's about." Daryl replied, leaning forwards giving her a quick kiss before the two of them made their way down the stairs of the watch tower.

Rick and Hershel were standing by the gate waiting for the two, but Alita had a feeling that whatever they were gonna say wasn't going to be good.

After a few minutes of Rick explaining what the Governor wanted was Michonne, and Rick was actually thinking about doing it.

"It's the only way. No one else knows." Rick sighed pinching the bridge of his nose as he looked around the three in front of him.

"Ya gonna tell 'em?" Daryl asked and by the tone in his voice she knew he didn't agree with it.

"Not till after. We have to do it today. It has to be quiet." Rick replied looking between Alita and Daryl, and Alita sighed, not liking the idea at all.

"He won't just kill her, you know that right? What happened to Glenn, Maggie, and I back in Woodbury that would be nothing compared to what he has planned for her." Alita finally spoke us, looking over at Rick who nodded, clearly already having thought of that.

"Just ain't us, man." Daryl said softly, but before Rick could reply Hershel began talking.

"No. No, it isn't." Hershel muttered and without another word he began walking off, obviously not liking this idea either.

"We do this, we avoid a fight. No one else dies." Rick stated, taking a step towards Alita and Daryl, Alita sighed, glancing over at Daryl who was giving her a questioning look as Alita shrugged her shoulders.

She knew he wanted her opinion, but she wasn't going to say yes or no, whatever Rick and Daryl decided is what she would go with.

Alita trusted the two, they had kept this group alive for this long, they knew what they were doing.

"Okay." Daryl finally said, looking back over at Rick who nodded.

"We need someone else." Rick added and he didn't have to say the name for them to know he was referring to Merle.

"I'll go talk to him." Alita suddenly said, fixing her crossbow strap over her shoulder as she looked over at Rick who shook his head.

"I'll do it." Rick responded and before anyone could reply Rick was already walking back towards the prison.

Well that went about as well as she thought it would.

"I know, Rick. He wouldn't do it." Daryl muttered and Alita nodded in agreement, watching as Rick walked back into the prison and Alita sighed.

"What do we do then? If he changed his mind and doesn't do it?" Alita asked turning her attention back to Hershel and Daryl who sighed.

"Then we do what we gotta do to fight against the Governor. If he doesn't get Michonne he well bring everythin', he's got to the prison and try to take us out, Wolfie." Hershel answered honestly.

Alita nodded, secretly hoping Rick doesn't go through with it.

Michonne is a good woman, she is part of the group now.

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