Chapter 39: Merle?

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No One's Point of View

"So, what's the plan?" Alita questioned leaning forwards in the backseat so she could talk to Maggie and Glenn properly as Glenn drove the SUV down the road.

"There's a few stores we can hit once we reach the place and we'll focus on ammo and baby formula, but keep an eye out for anything else that might be useful." Glenn answered and Alita nodded, taking a sip of water from her water bottle before handing it to Maggie.

"I'm sorry, sis." Maggie suddenly said as Alita puts the cap back on the water bottle causing Alita to frown at Maggie in confusion.

'Why is she sorry? What happened?' Alita thought to herself.

"For what sis?" Alita questioned in complete confusion.

"For yesterday. For making you cut the baby out even though Lori asked me. I shouldn't have put that pressure and a burden on you. I'm s-" Maggie began explaining, but Alita quickly shook her head.

"Stop." Alita said softly, trying to get that memory out of her head.

"You don't have to apologize for that. I've watched someone do a c-section before, so I knew what to do anyway. I'm sorry there wasn't anything I could do to save Lori." Alita replied causing Maggie to turn around in her seat to face Alita with a sad smile.

"We're here guys." Glenn suddenly said not giving Maggie a chance to reply as Alita looked out the window before Glenn parked by the door to some sort of supermarket.

"Clear outside." Maggie called as Alita and Glenn grabbed their bags from the back of the car before heading towards the store.

"Hey." Maggie said causing Glenn and Alita to turn around as Maggie quickly kissed Glenn and Angel chuckled as she loaded her crossbow, holding it up as she walked towards the door to the store.

"Get a room, lovebirds." Alita called over her shoulder joking with the two. She smiled hearing the couple laugh before she opened the door, but she quickly ducked as birds or bats or some sort of animals with wings suddenly flew out.

"Well, I didn't see that coming." Alita mumbled, turning her flashlight on as she walked into the store, her bow raised. 

After a few minutes the three managed to clear the small store of its few walkers before they began scanning the aisles for supplies. The place was a gold mine for baby formula, so much that Maggie and Glenn had to go back to the car to drop off their shopping baskets before grabbing more to fill them up. 

While the two went back to the car, Angel continued to the scan the aisles, in hope to find any ammo or weapons, but so far no luck.

She was about to check around back of the store when she suddenly heard voices shouting from outside and Alita instantly knew something was wrong, Glenn and Maggie wouldn't be yelling at each other, especially out here. 

Alita quickly dropped the basket she was holding and raised her crossbow as she made her way towards the front door. Alita jumped hearing a gunshot and froze for a split second before sprinting through the front door to find Glenn holding his gun up at someone on the other side of the SUV, but she couldn't see Maggie anywhere, and her anger was off the charts.

"Let go of her! Let GO OF HER!!" Glenn shouted and Alita knew whoever it was must have her sister hostage or something. 

Thinking on her feet Alita quickly snuck around to the other side of the vehicle spotting a man. His back was to Alita as he sat on the ground holding Maggie to his chest with a gun pointed at her, along with some sort of handmade knife bayonet thing attached to his hand. But she figured that was a question for later because right now Maggie was in trouble,

"Drop the ******* gun and let her go before I shoot your ******* brains out." Alita stated sternly, her eyes turning silver once again, gripping her bow tighter as she aimed it at the back of the man's head.

"Holy ****! Is that you Alita?" The man questioned and she froze recognizing the voice instantly, yet kept her stern face. The man slowly stood up pulling Maggie with him as he turned slightly to face Alita and her eyes held the shock in it.

'Merle. It's actually him. How was he even alive? Why was his gun aimed at Maggie? He knew Glenn, what the **** is he doing?' Alita thought as she kept her stock face looking at Merle.

"Let her go, she's a good person." Alita said calmly not lowering her crossbow.

Even though every muscle in her body was telling her to lower it because it's Merle, but she wasn't stupid. He had a gun to Maggie and Alita knew how much the apocalypse can change people, so she wasn't taking any chances.

"This doesn't concern you, Alita!" Merle shouted glaring at her and she stared at him seeing he is noticing the ring on my finger.

"These people are my family. They're Daryl's family. Let my sister go!" Alita warned Merle, but he shook his head.

"They're your family? She's your sister? They left me on the roof in Atlanta and since you and Daryl have found each other, I'm pretty sure you would know about that story. How could ya be friends or family with them after what they did?!?!" He snapped causing Maggie to flinch at the sudden harshness in his tone, but Alita stood her ground, showing she ain't messing around when it comes to protecting Maggie and Glenn.

Soon Merle lets go of Maggie and starts fighting Alita. Later on Alita yells at Glenn and Maggie to run with the the supplies. When they did what they were told, but she could tell Maggie was hesitating, but leaves with Glenn back to the prison. Then Alita gets knocked out with something silver...

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