Chapter 40: Captured

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No One's Point of View

When Alita woke up she found herself tied to a chair in a room with a table in front of her. She hears Merle yelling at someone in the other room, she supposes another prisoner of the group she guess Merle was with.

"Son of a gun." Alita muttered as she tried to get untied, her guns and crossbow nowhere to be seen. 

She was in some sort of room with metal tin walls which she could tell weren't that thick because she could hear some people outside. The table in front of her had another chair on the other side. She could hear Merle talking to someone about asking me stuff.

Her blood kind of ran cold when she was talking to someone she'll probably hate later on, she also knew Merle was with another group of people and she couldn't risk everyone's safety back home. 

Merle ain't right and she had a bad feeling about who really was the man in charge and that he was the reason that Merle is acting the way he is, while she was glancing around the room to find anyway out of the place.


-At the Prison-

"Rick." Daryl called walking into the main room, next to the cell blocks to find Rick leaning over a woman with dreadlocks who was lying on the ground, while Hershel and Carl stood close by watching. He would have asked who the woman was, but right now he was too focused on who he just found.

"Ya'll come on in here." Daryl says to the three.

"Everything alright?" Rick asked, standing up from the stranger on the ground, who seemed to be injured, but he couldn't be sure.

"You're gonna wanna see this." Daryl replied and Rick nodded, turning back to the woman on the ground.

"Carl, get the bags. We'll keep this safe and sound. The doors are all locked, you'll be safe here. We can treat that." Rick said grabbing the white katana off the ground as he nodded towards the bullet wound on her thigh.

"I didn't ask for your help." The woman responded glaring up at Rick, who shrugged his shoulders.

"It doesn't matter. Can't let you leave." Rick answered before following the others into the cell block to see what Daryl was talking about as they reached a cell and Carol stood up.

"Thank God. Thank God." Rick whispered as he pulled Carol into a hug causing Daryl to smile slightly watching the small reunion. 

Hershel came in giving her a hug too before Beth walked towards the cell holding the baby and straight away Carol realized what happened by the sudden change in everyone's expression.

"I'm sorry." Carol cried giving Rick another hug before she took the baby off Beth. 

Everyone watched in amusement as Carol played with the little girl before Rick motioned to Daryl to follow him as they went back into the other room. Daryl quickly grabbing his crossbow, not trusting the stranger and Hershel followed too.

"We can tend to that wound for you, give you a little food and water, and then send you on your way. But you're gonna have to tell us how you found us and why you were carrying formula." Rick stated as they all walked into the room towards the woman who was now sitting on one of the tables.

The supplies were dropped by a young Asian man and a pretty girl. There was another girl with them too, one with a weapon like that." The woman answered nodding towards Daryl's crossbow causing both Daryl and Hershel's heart rate to spike at the mention of Alita, Maggie, and Glenn.

'Are they okay? Was she okay? Why did this lady have their supplies? Something must have happened!' Daryl thought to himself.

"What happened? Were they attacked?" Daryl quickly questioned taking a step towards the woman and Rick.

"One of them was taken, but I don't really know about the other two." The woman replied.

'****.' Daryl thought.

"Taken? By who?" Rick asked and Daryl could tell he was starting to silently panic as well.

"By the same son of a *****, who shot me." The woman answered.

"Hey, these are our people. You tell us what happened now!" Rick shouted, grabbing her bullet wound on her thigh causing the woman to quickly stand up.

"Don't you ever touch me again!" She snapped as Daryl aimed his crossbow at her.

"Ya better start talkin' or you're gonna have a much bigger problem then a gunshot wound." Daryl threatened, taking a step towards her.

"Find them yourself." She responded. Daryl didn't care that she was a woman, he was going to hurt her if she didn't start talking. Alita, his wife, was taken, probably Glenn and Maggie were taken too. They could be dead or getting tortured right now for all he knew.

"Hey, shh, shh, shh. Put it down." Rick said calmly as he gently grabbed the end of Daryl's crossbow and he sighed, lowering the weapon as he took a few steps back and began to pace nervously as Rick continued talking.

"You came here for a reason." Rick stated.

"There's a town. Woodbury. About 75 survivors. I think they were taken there." She finally answered.

'A town? An actual town is still standing and not overrun by walkers?' Daryl thought.

"A whole town?" Rick questioned, clearly thinking the same thing as Daryl.

"It's run by this guy who calls himself the Governor. Pretty boy, charming, Jim Jones type." The woman said still looking at Rick.

"They got muscle?" Daryl asked, managing to calm his anger down enough to actually talk to the woman without wanting to shoot her.

"Paramilitary wannabes. They have armed sentries on every wall." She replied and that was not the answer any of them were hoping for.

"How'd you know how to get here?" Rick asked, taking a step towards her.

"They mentioned a prison, said which direction it was in, that it was a straight shot." The woman simply answered.

"This is Hershel. Father of one of the girls, and a father figure for the other one that was taken. He'll take care of that." Rick said after a few seconds of silence before him and Daryl walked off. 

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