Chapter 72: We are going on a Run

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Ash's Point of View

After a while Daryl comes and gets me telling me that he's going on a run for meds, Hershel drew him up a map of a veterinary college.

It's a bit far from here, but with more and more people getting sick, it's not like we have much of a choice.

Later on I stood next to Daryl as he checked the oil in the car we're taking, Michonne joins us.

"Son of a ***** is about a quart low." Daryl says, as he checked the gas of the car.

"You still keep it in the bottom of tower three?" Michonne asks the two of us.

"Yeah." I replied to her.

"I'll go get one." She says starting to walk off.

"Hey. I'm glad you're here." Daryl tells her.

"Where else would I be?" She asked him.

"Running off." He replies to her.

"You know I'm not running off." Michonne tells him, and Daryl nods.

"It's just nice to have you around." I tell her, she nods at me.

"So it's just gonna be me and you two like the old days?" Michonne asks us.

"Yeah, and Bob. Still, feels like we could use another person." Daryl says to us.

"Who else isn't sick?" Michonne asks us.

"We don't ask Rick. He wants to stay here with Carl and Little ***-Kicker. Keep 'em safe. Plus there's plenty of stuff he could do here." Daryl tells her throwing his vest back on.

"So, who else we got?" Michonne asks.

"I don't know." I grumbled running a hand down my face.

"Tyreese?" Daryl suggests, and I looked at him.

"You think he's in the right mind set to do this?" I asked him, and he shrugs.

"I'll go see." He tells me before walking off.

"I'm gonna go check in on Alita before we go, let her know what's going on." I tell Michonne, and she nods.

"I'll go with you." Daryl says looking at me.

"Be careful down there. I don't want you two catching it too." Michonne tells be before going to get the oil, we nodded at her before walking off...

-Time skip-

We looked at Alita through the window with Glenn listening to his heavy breathing, her hair sticks to her forehead from the sweat that covers her.

"Alita, we're heading out with some of the others. We're gonna get some medicine for you and the others, okay?" I asked leaning forwards, and I could see her nod at me with Glenn near him nodding as well.

Later I see Alita and Glenn break out into a coughing fit, I closed my eyes, silently praying for them to get better.

"I don't know if I'm gonna make it." She says meeting my eyes, I shook my head.

"You will. Remember when you got sick that one time on tour? Your fever was so high you started seeing ****, but you got through it." I reminded her of the first day of tour, she shakes her head.

"That's when we had hospitals, doctors, nurses— Medicine at the ready. Now we have one doctor who's sick, and Hershel who's old and is a veterinarian. How do my chances look to you?" She asks, I sighed.

"Hey, you're gonna be fine, we refuse to let another person we love and care for die. I'm not gonna do that anymore..." I started.

"Also he has helped you before, remember? So, you go lay your butt down and rest until we get back, alright? You and Glenn and everyone else in there are gonna make it and I know it." I said to her, and she stares at me for a second before smiling.

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