Chapter 19: Another Funeral and A New Motorcycle

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter.)

No One's Point of View

The next morning, the group joined Alita and Daryl by Dale's grave that the two dug in the early hours of the morning. Everyone all gathered around the grave in a circle while Alita and Daryl stood a bit behind the others, hand in hand. 

Everyone listened to Rick make a speech about how good of a man, Dale was despite the world going bad.

"In the end, he was talking about losing our humanity. He said this group was broken... The best way to honor him is to un-break it. Set aside our differences and pull together, stop feeling sorry for ourselves and take control of our lives, our safety, our future. We're not broken. We're gonna prove him wrong. From now on, we're gonna do it his way, that is how we honor Dale." Rick said and everyone nodded in agreement before everyone slowly left the grave.

"You okay?" Daryl mumbled. Now squeezing Alita's hand gently as she looked up at him with a slight nod, not trusting her voice at the moment. She looked back over to Dale's grave thinking...

'My family or friends are like that themselves. At least Dale got a proper send off, he was a good man.' Alita thought to herself.

"Hey, Wolfie!" Maggie's voice shouted catching the two's attention as Alita and Daryl both turned around to find Maggie running towards her older sister figure with a smile.

"Hey Magster, what's up?" Alita asked giving her sister figure a friendly smile. 

Maggie and Alita grew closer as friends or sisters over time, since they knew each other through Shawn, and Alita still adored the cute relationship her and Glenn had, they suited each other perfectly, every now and then she would still tease the two when she had the chance she gets.

"Your dad taught ya how how to fix cars, motorcycles, and other vehicles right?" Maggie asked and Alita nodded slowly unsure to where this conversation was heading.

"I know your motorcycle was broken in the middle of a run, but... Shawn- He had a old dirt bike he use to ride around on the farm after you left for LA, and none of us know how to ride and none of us knows how to fix it, so..." Maggie started. 

"Daddy and I figured someone might as well enjoy it. The only other person I could think of was Daryl, but he already has a motorcycle." Maggie finished explaining said and Alita stared at her in shock, she didn't know Shawn had a motorcycle.

'Why didn't Shawn tell her about him getting one?' Alita thought kind of shocked and happy at the same time.

"Wait, are you serious? Can I actually ride it?" Alita asked in disbelief glancing between Daryl and Maggie. Daryl having a smug look on his face at Alita's reaction before she fully looked back at Maggie, who laughed with a nod at her older sister figure.

"There's some spare Jerry cans of fuel in the back of the shed it it needs any sis." Maggie replied and Alita thanked her before jogging back to Glenn and Hershel.

The two saw Alita smile, they nodded at her now making their way to the farm house. Alita turned to Daryl unable to hide the smile on her face more. With both of them smiling a bit, Alita began pulling him towards the shed where the dirt bike was. He chuckled softly at Alita's excitement watching her with amusement as she led him to the shed.

-Time skip.-

"Do ya really think ya can get this bike started?" Daryl questioned as Alita finished filling the tank with fuel, placing the Jerry can on the the bench next to the bike.

"Are you doubting me Dixon?" Alita questioned raising her eyebrow at him.

Soon she was kicking the stand up as she pushed the bike out the shed with Daryl following behind. He watched Alita in amusement, he has never known a woman who liked motorcycles, let alone one who knows her way around the engine of one, well... 

He shouldn't be surprised about Alita though... It was another thing he could add to the list of reasons why he liked her. Whenever she had her attention on the bike till...

"****, the electric start is broken..." Alita muttered as she pulled the kick started out before slamming her foot down against the leaver as the bike purred to life. Alita sat down on the seat as she revved the engine letting it idle for a few seconds before she heard Daryl's motorcycle start up.

"Try to keep up!" Daryl shouted over his shoulder and Alita grinned as she kicked her bike in gear before releasing the clutch as she took off past Daryl.

She shifted up a couple gears as she cruised around the farmhouse, the cool breeze flowing past her face making her feel alive. She glanced over her shoulder as Daryl gave her a thumbs up as he followed behind her on his triumph.


"Hey daddy, look! Alita got the old dirt bike working!" Maggie shouted excitedly from the front porch, watching as Alita and Daryl rode around the area.

"I'll be ******, she did!" Hershel suddenly said walking through the front door, taking in the scene in front of him as Rick's group all walked up to the house in surprise.

"I knew that woman was good! Even Shawn saw to that." Hershel said smiling at his daughters, now looking at Shawn's female best friend, riding on the dirt bike.

"At least some of us found a way to have some fun." Glenn commented with a smile watching the two race around, with Maggie now standing next to him.

"They are gonna get themselves killed." Shane muttered as he leaned against the railing with an unamused glare.

"Leave them alone Shane, the two are having fun and after they've both have been through the past few years, they deserve it." Carol replied as she pulled Marine closer to her giving her a hug. 

(Author/Red: A young girl Alita found during a run.)

"Do you think they are actually together?" Rick suddenly questioned looking over at the girls and Hershel, knowing there was no point asking the other guys, they wouldn't have a clue.

"Did you see them this morning? They are definitely together. More than friends." Maggie replied with Hershel and the other ladies nodding at her statement. Soon Hershel slightly smiled at the lady, he saw grow up with Shawn.

"Margaret and Samuel Cullen would've been so proud of the young woman she has grown up to become." Hershel says to himself smiling some more, and he could see that Patrica nodding at him, with her knowing Alita's parents as well.

'So don't worry you two, she knows what she's doing. She is doing good down here. So you two just rest in Heaven with your family and other friends...' Hershel thought smiling to himself watching the young lady on the bike.

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