Chapter 105: Another Party

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita wears in this chapter

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita wears in this chapter. Hope you enjoy the chapter!)

Alita's Point of View

Not too long after Carl was up and at 'em, I had to give it to the kid, he wasn't one to stay down after getting hurt.

Just like when he got shot the first time he saw the good side to things and was up as soon as he was aloud...

Alexandria looked as though nothing had happened, but now the people inside were more ready for what was outside of their walls, be it human or walkers.

Daryl and I had our talk and he assured me that nothing could ever make him not want to be near me.

That he's happy to be on the road to fatherhood, and after we had our private conversation we announced to the group that they would be getting a new member in 9 months.

In response we were congratulated and Maggie and Glenn informs us that our child wouldn't be the only baby around.

I hugged Maggie with tears in my eyes before hugging Glenn, we spent the night planning and talking with the group.

After all we went through on the road on having two life's brewing was nothing short of a blessing.

I went around telling everyone to meet in the living room of one of our houses.

I went around exploring, seeing what was in storage that we could see use for the baby, but once night fell I was in the house looking around at everyone.

I gave Abraham a beer before sitting myself down, everyone's quiet until Abe speaks up.

"Why did you call us here?" He asks, I shrugged.

"It's no lie that we've all had a rough patch of things here lately. So I thought we should get together and just hang out, relax for a while. Have some fun...! If that's okay with all of you?" I asked and he nodded.

"Ash or Nate, put on some music, please." I said to him.

Nate goes through my mix tapes and pops one in. Another one bites the dust, starts playing through the room.

Everyone nods a little and started to chat amongst themselves, everyone grabs a beer.

Well, besides Maggie, Carl, and I, not that I didn't try and sneak him one.

That ended in Rick throwing a paper ball towards me, which he can try all he wants. Yet I don't drink even if I'm not pregnant, so...

As the alcohol loosened everyone up I started to feel the affects of them letting go, and I laughed at some of the people here.

I could see Rick air drum lightly where he was sitting while I see Abraham, and Nate violently air guitaring, the rest of us where either singing or laughing in the background.

"Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama Mia let me go! Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me!" Rick and Nate screamed at the top of their lungs.

"For me!" I heard Abraham yelling trying their best to hit the nigh note, which ends up sounding horrible.

But who cares at this point?

Rick stood up with some of them as the song gets into the more rock part, they are drunk as **** and doesn't care about how they looked as they stood on the table like a bunch of idiots.

Nate somehow reaches for Ash and pulls her up as the song comes to an end.

She yelped in surprise since last time I saw him this drunk was after our last show in Atlanta.

I was laughing at her, as she rolls her eyes and chuckles herself.

(Author/Red: That's why they were in Atlanta at the beginning, trying to leave.)

"Nothing really matters. Anyone can see. Nothing really matter... Nothing really matter to me. Anyway the wind blows." They sang, as the gong was hit they fell back into our seats laughing.

But I could see Rick basically passed out immediately while Abraham finishes off his drink.

I smiled looking over at everyone, I hummed a little to the next song as I leaned my head back, once again I smiled when Daryl pulls me into his side.

I kissed his cheek before getting comfortable, with the music still playing everyone slowly started to drift off to sleep.

With me being the last one up I went around laying blankets over them, when I laid a blanket over Daryl.

Then I went outside on the porch to see the night sky was beautiful. I sighed thinking of my dad... He is with mom, and the rest of the family now...

'Dad, you just rest now... We're going to be okay... I got a family here with me, who's got my back, and I have their's. So you just rest easy with mom...' I started to think while looking up at the sky.

'I hope you guys are happy in Heaven with everyone. I know you guys are... Trust me, I am happy with the people I have here, and I'm also blessed to have a little one on the way...' I kept thinking.

'I was just hoping you'd get to meet 'em before you went to see mom and everyone else...' I thought sadly.

'Don't worry about me, because God is watching over me and my family down here to make sure we're good, so you guys just rest easy... I'll be alright.' I thought, looking up at the sky, and then I sighed.

"Excuse me." I hear someone say.

I looked in the direction the sound came from, for me to see someone new, I smiled at them nodding.

"Oh! Sean, Evelyn! Hey, what's up?" I said as they came over to stand next to me on the porch.

"Hey Alita, just wanted to make sure you guys were good. We heard you guys partying in there. What's the occasion?" Evelyn asks me.

Both her and Sean stood next to me, I nodded and smiled.

"Evelyn, Sean, we might have new additions to the community soon." I told them. Evelyn gasped, with both her and Sean smiling.

"Babies?" Sean asked excitedly, as I nodded at the two.

"Yeah, there will be babies coming soon, and by the look you're giving me you two wanted me to tell you who's pregnant, right?" I asked them smiling, and they nod excessively.

"Okay, okay. Calm down there friends." I said to them and I hear them sigh.

"Okay, okay. I will. So, Alita, who's pregnant?" Evelyn asks me with Sean is jumping like a young child at a candy store, and I sighed smiling.

"Well, Maggie and Glenn are expecting, but the other two that is expecting a kid... Is Daryl and I..." I told them, and they giggle in excitement.

"A friend of ours is expecting! I'm going to be an Uncle!" Sean says excitedly as Evelyn was smiling and chuckling at her husband's excitement. I chuckled at my friends' excitement.

"Calm down, friend. Everyone in the house is asleep. You two can celebrate tomorrow." I told them.

They nodded at me, as Daryl came out of the house to see Evelyn, Sean, and I talking. Once the couple waved to me and left, I sighed.

"I swear they are more energetic than me..." I mumbled, sighing looking at the sky again.

Then I felt someone wrap their arms around me, to see Daryl leaning his head on mine.

"Your friends Evelyn and Sean, right? Rick and I found em' while on a run." He said to me.

"Yeah, and I will have to thank you. Also, by the way they talked to me, they are way more happy to see the baby than we are." I responded to him, he chuckles a bit as both of us looked at the night sky.

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