Chapter 53: Andrea?

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(Author/Red: In my opinion, I never really liked Andrea in the show. I liked her in the comics, but in the show...

I really HATED her! I'll make a list somewhere on all the characters I hated in the show probably later in this story. Hope you enjoy the chapter.)

No One's Point of View

"Hey, Alita?" Rick called spotting Alita walking down the stairs as he began walking over to her, her dog, and cousin.

"What's up?" Alita asked stopping at the bottom of the stairs beside him as she slung her crossbow over her shoulder.

"I'll get to know the others more, is it okay that I take Foxy with me?" Ash asked as Rick and Alita nodded as Ash called for Foxy and left to see the others.

"What you did for me... For my daughter..." Rick began to say.

He was trailing off as he looked down at the floor clearly not knowing how to word what he wanted to say, but you knew what he was meaning.

"You guys are like family to me, it's what we do." Alita replied with a gentle smile as Rick looked up at Alita with kind eyes.

"Daryl said the same thing." Rick said meeting her eyes with a chuckle.

'Of course Daryl did, he was loyal to his family and friends, even before this. I could always rely on him no matter what. He was loyal and did everything in his power to protect and help the ones he loves.' Alita thought.

"Dad! Andrea is in the field, walking towards the prison." Carl suddenly shouted as the two quickly turned around to find the young boy running into the cell block.

"Andrea?" Rick questioned wanting to make sure he heard him correctly and Carl nodded.

"We have to make sure she's alone." Alita suddenly said pulling her crossbow off her shoulder as Daryl and Carol came rushing down the stairs after hearing what the younger Grimes said.

"No. Ya stayin' in here." Daryl quickly stated causing Alita's head to snap around in his direction in disbelief.

"You're already hurt, stay in here. Merle can help us. You can heal easier with your power workin'. And in case Little ***-kicker or someone else needs you, okay." Daryl explained and Alita sighed, but nodded as everyone rushed out the cell block.

After most of them left the building Alita made her way into the other room next to the cell block, spotting Carol organizing the makeshift shelves the guys built with the limited wood they had left sitting on it.

Alita walked over to the one of the metal tables, taking a seat as Alita rested her crossbow over her lap waiting for the others to come back.

She remembers Andrea, when she got separated from the group after the farm, but she was with the Governor now and apparently sleeping with him.

Although she tried not to judge her considering Merle used to be one of the Governor's soldiers, so she might not be too bad, like she was before.

Yet, Alita never did really trust Andrea on the farm, how could she trust Andrea now?

After a few minutes the door to her left opened as Rick and the others walked in along with Andrea.

Andrea walked over to Carol, wrapping the woman into a tight hug and Alita smiled slightly at the reunion as Daryl walked over to Alita, taking a seat on the table beside her.

She looked over at Merle, who was standing by the door watching all of them before she turned back to Andrea as she took in the scenery around her, noticing Alita next to Daryl.

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