Chapter 86: Goodbye Beth & Tyreese

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Alita's Point of View

We're on the road making our way to South Carolina, we're doing what Beth had planned to do for Noah—

To get him home, back to his family. From what he's told us he lived in a gated community, maybe 20 people lived in it, we're hoping it's safe, it not.


It shouldn't be the first...

After driving half way there Rick makes us stop, he tells us to hang back as him and a small group are gonna go in on foot and check it out.

I sat on the road holding Judith in my lap as she pets Foxy, she giggles pulling gently on his ear, Foxy just licks her as she does, Carl comes and sits next to me.

"He's a good dog." He comments, and I nodded with a small smile.

"Yeah, he is... He is actually a sweet dog, even after my dad and I trained him to be a military dog." I started to explain.

"My old man found him in the shelter, he said he was a rather mean dog. The people at the shelter told him that he wouldn't find a good home." I told him, Carl looked at me surprised, and I cleared my thought.

"Why didn't they think he would find a good home?" Carl asked me not really as shocked as he once was.

"Well, they got him when a dog fighting ring was busted in a way." I started as I pet Foxy gently.

"They were training him to fight, but... The vet thinks he was also used to help train the other puppies as a puppy." I told him.

"How's that?" He asks me.

"Well, it's, uh. Where they use a weaker, or younger dogs to train their fighting dogs. Basically those dogs are just their to get attacked." I said running my fingers over the numerous scars that lay under his fur and on his face.

"Why did people do that?" Carl whispers.

"That's just how some people were, let's just hope the ones like that all died out." I answer patting his shoulder.

"Carol, you copy?" Rick's voice breaks through the radio, and I looked over at her.

"We're here." She answers.

"We made it... It's gone." He tells her, and I sighed rubbing my forehead.

I glanced at Carl who looks disappointed, but not surprised and I reached over to him pulling him closer, and he rests his head against my shoulder.

I looked to the sky holding Judith just a little tighter. We waited there for a while longer with no word, Daryl eventually comes over and joins me on the ground.

When I let go of Carl, he still rests on my shoulder as Judith fell asleep on my chest, then I grabbed Daryl's hand gently in mine.

It's quiet, but this pit in my stomach grows with every second that radio stays quiet, but when it cracked to life it gets worse.

"Tyreese got bit." I heard as my head snaps over to Carol hearing Rick's voice.

"No." I whispered, it's quiet for a bit longer as we wait for more words from Rick or someone in that small group.

"Carol, we're in the car. We need to cauterize the arm and wrap it. Get Sasha and Carl away, they don't need to see this." Rick orders.

We rushed to get a fire started and dig out something so we could cauterize it, getting what medical supplies we have I lay them out neatly as Daryl works to get the fire as hot as possible.

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