Chapter 14: I Remember!

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No One's Point of View

"Alita..." Daryl said softly, hos voice turning from calm to sadness in seconds as he reached for Alita's arms, but she pulled back.

"Look, I'm sorry for bein' an ******** earlier, I shouldn't have yelled at Lori like that. And I shouldn't have let ya go out there by yourself. 

I should've went out there when Lori asked." Daryl said sighing, looking down at his hands. Now remembering what happened to her before she left for L.A. With her and Omer being roommates before, and how he was abusive towards her and other women. How she didn't want pity or sympathy from others. 

And this was before she was doing stuff from youtube to t.v. shows to movies, and going on tour with Nate, and some others.

Soon Daryl wrapped around Alita's shoulder being more careful not to injure her as he pulled her towards him until her head was resting his shoulder. When he first met her, he was joking around her about those from a fight club.

Since she seemed like the kind of woman to kick butt. Even now, he thought that, trying to get to Alita to smile and laugh once again, which it did as she punched his thigh softly in response causing Daryl to smile, but when...


-Daryl's Point of View.-

"Hey Hershel, can you look at something for me please?" I hear Galaxy ask Hershel as she was on the porch of the farmhouse.

"Sure A- Galaxy!" Hershel says to Galaxy, I was sure he was about to say a name with an 'A', instead of 'Galaxy' or 'Wolfie'. When they head inside the house, I went inside as well to hear what she had to say. Once I found the room they were in, I hear Hershel start talking.

"Young lady, why haven't you told me about these wounds. They would've gotten worse if you haven't come get me or have it healed." Hershel stated to 'Galaxy'.

"I know Hershel, it's just... I didn't really want to bother you..." 'Galaxy' says to Hershel with a bit of sadness in her voice.

"You're not a bother to me Alita. You were never a bother to me, Maggie, Beth, or Shawn. A lot of us saw a woman worth helping and saving. Don't let Omer's words put you down. Your parents have a lovely young lady, and a lot of us believe that even your parents and I can see why Shawn believes that. I'm also sure that Daryl will remember the same woman that he met all that time ago." Hershel says probably smiling at her.

'What does he mean by that?' I thought to myself.

"Yeah... Thank you Hershel." Alita or Galaxy says to him, probably smiling a bit as well.

'Alita..? Alita... Alita!' I asked myself.

"Alita... He will remember you, it just takes a while to remember." Hershel says to Alita, she is the Alita that used to love next to my pops with Omer.

"Okay sir..." Alita responds as I hear a little hissing from her, probably from cleaning a wound. I sighed as I knocked on the door.

"Come in." I hear Hershel say, I came into see Alita fixing her jacket sleeves.

"Alita... It is you..." I said as Alita was finally done fixing her jacket, while seeing a few tattoos and wounds.

-Flashback ends-

Daryl's Point of View

"And he did this?" I muttered, siting down beside Alita, with me reaching out for her hands, but this time she didn't pull away. She let me grab her arms with a gentle grip as I traced my fingers softly over the bandages, where her wounds were.

No One's Point of View

Alita could feel her cheeks burning red as Daryl touched her, butterflies in her stomach going wild, as she watched his movements. Her eyes wondered up to look at his face, she has forgotten how he was... 

The slight scruff of hair on his chin, cute, little moles by his upper lip, his thick southern drawl, his rough exterior, but has a kind heart, the list could go on. She watched him for a few more seconds before she remembered that he asked her a question.

"Yeah, he had me against a wall and started forcing himself on me and stuff..." Alita continued before stopping again thinking if Daryl remembered or if she has to tell him again.

"Hey, it's alright. Ya don't have to talk about it of ya don't want to, and... I remember." Daryl whispered, and Alita smiled, thankfully she didn't have to repeat the memories from before, since he remembered, as she also remembered what his dad used to do to him, her, and Merle. Soon they were leaning on each other as Alita felt Daryl kiss the top of her head.

"You're not alone. Ever since we went our separate ways, the both of us were never alone." Alita says, with Daryl grunting in agreement. 

Soon the next week went by in a flash, the two became more inseparable. Whenever it was Daryl or Alita's turn to keep watch over Randall, the two were right next to each other outside of the shed. Whenever they were scavenging or hunting, Daryl would join her.

The two became a pretty good team like before, they could still read each other better than anyone else and communicate with only one hand or eye signal. Hunting became a thing for the two again, they would grab their bows and knives each morning.

Sometimes one will track, the other will follow to keep look out. Although they had no idea if they were a thing or not; telling each other what happened when they went their separate ways. They were both happy and that was all that mattered.

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