Chapter 24: So that's a thing

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No One's Point of View

"Thank God!" Lori shouted as she jumped out of T-Dog's truck running towards Carl and Rick as everyone rushed to their friends and family on the highway, who they never thought they'd see again. 

With the Greenes one by one hugging each other or Alita as Marine and Carol hugged each other. Soon with Daryl hugging Alita happy that they were alive, as the Greenes stood by the two smiling.

"Where did you find everyone?" Rick questioned looking over at Daryl and Alita, who sighed.

"Well those guys' tail lights zigzagging all over the road, figured they had to be Asian driving like that. Same with you." Daryl answered giving everyone a laugh about.

"Ha, ha." Alita said jokingly.

"Good one." Glenn replied with a soft chuckle before Daryl asked what everyone was thinking.

"Where's everyone else?" Daryl asked aiming the question to Rick and Alita, who he figured would know more than the others.

"We're the only ones who made it so far." Rick replied and Alita nodded.

"Shane's the one who took Randall, he tried to kill Alita. Where's Shane?" Lori questioned looking at her husband, who shook his head and everyone knew what that meant. 

Rick killed Shane...

"Andrea...?" Glenn asked looking around the group.

"She saved Marine and I then we lost her." Carol informed.

"We saw her go down." T-Dog said.

"Patricia?" Hershel questioned.

"They got her to. They took her right from me." Beth cried as Hershel pulled her into a hug to calm her down.

"What about Jimmy? Did you see Jimmy?" Beth asked.

"He was in the RV, it got over run." Rick explained and everyone dropped their head thinking about the people they all lost. 

Soon they all were making sure they were all kitted out as Rick and Alita were trying to make sure everyone was alright, but when Alita was checking in on Maggie, Beth, and Hershel, who were happy to see each other. Carol has gotten Alita's attention.

"Thank you for helping Marine again and for bringing her back to me. She was like a sister to Sophia and I'll do anything to protect her, but... Thank You..." Carol thanked, while she continued to hug Marine and Alita nodded.

-Time skip-

As the group rode down the road, Alita followed Daryl on her motorcycle, someone honks their horn on their car, so they came to a stop. Alita looked behind them, with both her and Daryl stopped and killed the engine of their bikes when everyone starts getting out of their cars.

"You out?" Daryl asks Rick, with Alita beside him.

"Runnin' on fumes." Rick tells the two. 

After a while of arguing, the group made a small camp, later Alita was helping Daryl tend to the fire. Now people were arguing about Rick being the leader, and leaving because of the decision of Rick hiding about how people can turn no matter how they died. Then Alita threw a rock, she was messing with causing everyone to jump and turn towards her. 

"I'm sick and tired of y'all whining and blaming Rick for stupid ****, cause you are to blind to see the bigger picture." Alita ranted, Carol goes to say something, as Marine was a bit surprised, but Alita continued.

"But you want to know something? If it weren't for Rick none of us would be here in one piece. I heard about Rick getting blamed after Sophia ran into those woods. Rick is a good man and leader, y'all wanted a leader so badly until he started making choices... Would you rather have Shane's crazy *** leading you, huh?" Alita says, when no one spoke she kept going.

"Not giving up on Rick now and I trust him, he's family to me other than the rest of you. So, please stop arguing would ya!" Alita says as the group looked at her kind of expecting it since sometimes she says what she thinks about, but it's not quiet long before Rick starts talking.

"I'm keeping this group together and alive. I'm been doing that all along, no matter what. I didn't ask for this, I killed my best friend for you people, for ***'s sake!" The group stares at Rick as he continues.

"You saw what he was like, how he pushed me, how he compromised us, how he threatened us. He staged the whole Randall thing, led me out to put a bullet in my back. He gave me no choice. He was my friend, but he came after me. My hands are clean." Rick says as no one talks as Alita sat where she was before, looking at the group for a bit. 

"Even when he does what y'all were begging for, he's the bad guy." Alita mumbled to herself.

"Maybe you people are better off without me. Go ahead. I say there's a place for us, but maybe- Maybe it's just another pipe dream. Maybe- maybe I'm just fooling myself again. Why don't you- Why don't you go and find out yourself? Send me a postcard. Go on there's the door. You can fo better? Let's see how far you get..." Rick says as he pauses for a bit.

Alita's Point of View

"No takers? Fine. But let's get one thing straight. You're staying, this isn't a democracy anymore." Rick says looking over at the group, no one makes a move.

But he turns and walks off patting my arm as he goes by, I know things are going to be a lot more difficult now, but what other choice do we have besides moving on...

(Author/Red: Okay so that is the end of Season 1 & 2 for AMC's The Walking Dead. Now entering Season 3 & 4! YEAH!!! Hope you guys enjoyed!)

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