Chapter 23: We got to leave!

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Alita's Point of View

I rode towards the fence line noticing Daryl parked along the fence a few hundred meters away at the walkers. I quickly stopped the bike putting my feet down on the ground as I pulled out one of my handguns and began firing, shot after shot after shot. 

I could see the cars in the distance driving around firing, but I focused on the walkers near the barn as I continued to take them down one at a time.

"****." I muttered when I noticed walkers coming up from behind me.

'Where did they come from?' I thought as I slid my handgun back in my belt as I kicked the bike into gear taking off towards the house. 

I noticed a bunch of walkers heading for the house instead of the burning barn like the others. Again, I parked my bike on a small hill as I began firing at the walkers heading for Hershel, who was still firing his shotgun in front of the house.

'He's got to stop soon, he's gonna get himself killed.' I thought as I quickly swapped guns after running out of bullets in the other.

"Come on Hershel, go with the others." I muttered,

Later watching as the women all made a run for it towards T-Dog and Andrea's truck knowing they couldn't stay in the house for much longer. I looked back at Hershel before I continued to fire at walkers near the house. Head shot after head shot after head shot... But more kept coming.

They were like Hydra, shooting one in the head and two more takes its place, this isn't going to work. I soon was heading towards the front of the farm, where there were barely any walkers, now finding Daryl there. 

I glanced back towards the burning barn to see a walker fall on top of Andrea as T-Dog took off in the truck. I thought I saw Lori and Beth inside, but I had no idea where Carol and Marine were. 

Later spotting Rick and Carl running towards Hershel and I knew they would get him to safety, I just needed to find Carol and Marine. I found my way to the dirt road to see Daryl there already, we nodded at each other knowing that we are fine. 

Soon I found Carol and Marine were running as quickly as they could along the dirt road to get to Daryl and I. Once we got to Carol and Marine, we turned around a bit.

"Come on, we don't got all day!" Daryl yelled as Carol was on his bike and Marine was on mine. Then the four of us were on way off the farm, I glanced over my shoulder just in time to see the barn collapse from the fire, the whole farm now just covered in walkers.

I focused back on the road looking over Marine's shoulder as I maneuvered my way past stray walkers along the dirt road, following Daryl. We had to put as much distance between us and the farm that I once called home. We got to leave!

'Goodbye Shawn! Goodbye Dale! Goodbye Sophia!'

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