Chapter 65: Governor attacks

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing for two chapters. Hope you enjoy the chapter.)

Alita's Point of View (Time Skip to later on)

It's a cold morning as we walk around the prison packing our stuff to leave this place we called home I sighed throwing my bags in the back of the green car - hearing a whimper I look down at Foxy, sighing I pet him gently.

"I know buddy." I mumbled to him, Ash walking over and throws his bag in one of the cars looking at me nodding and I nodded back.

Soon I walked over to Daryl, he looks up at me as I sit down next to him helping him get his stuff together.

He pulls me into his side, kissing the side of my head gently, my eyes close for a second, when he lets go I start to organize his stuff once again before placing it in his bag.

I look up at Carol when they walked over, I nodded a little to greet her.

"You know, Merle never did nothing like that his whole life." Daryl tells us.

"He gave us a chance." Carol says reaching a hand down with me nodding at that statement.

Daryl looks up at her and takes it standing up. He grabs both of my hands and pulls me to stand next to him, I kiss his cheek.

"He's a hero for doing it." I tell him softly, he nods a little looking away and grabbing his stuff...

-Time skip-

I try to keep my breathing calm as we wait for the Governor and his men to come out of the prison, they had drove up and shot up the place up blowing one of the guard towers and they made the mistake of going inside where they would find nothing.

Nothing but smoke bombs, the alarm and a bunch of walkers in the tunnels, but yeah, nothing. When the alarms starts it's soon followed by the Governors people rushing outside.

"Get the **** out go here!" Glenn shouted before opening fire, I followed his lead shooting at the retreating men.

We keep shooting as they get in their vehicles and drove away.

"We did it?" Maggie asks looking at Glenn and I.

"We did it! Come on down." Glenn tells her while I was slowly coming down.

I wasn't so sure that it was over so fast, we follow Rick over to the gate entrance looking out over the yard.

"We did it. We drove them out." Rick says looking at the gate.

"We should go after them." Michonne tells him.

"We should finish it." Daryl said agreeing with Michonne.

"It is finished. Didn't you see them hightail it out of here?" Maggie asks, I shook my head looking at my sister.

"A man like that ain't gonna stop just 'cause we shot at him, he's gonna want this place, and us dead even more now." I tell her, having a feeling that one day he'll be back.

"Alita's right, they could regroup." Michonne says towards Rick.

"We can't take the chance. He's not gonna stop." Glenn points out.

"They're right. We can't keep living like this." Carols peaks up.

"So we take the fight back to Woodbury. We barley made it back last time." Maggie points out.

"I don't care." Daryl tells her.

"Last time we weren't prepared to take 'em out. Some of us were injured and couldn't fight." I pointed out knowing that my bruises were healed and Glenn was healed too.

"Yeah. Let's check the others." Rick tells us leading us to the prison.

-Time skip-

Later on the others came back from the woods, Ash hugged me.

"I'll go put you and Daryl's stuff back into a cell." She tells me letting go.

I nodded as I patted Foxy, he licks me wagging his tail, I smiled at the both of them as Ash made her way to the cars.

"Foxy, now I'm about to go do something that could get me killed. So I'm gonna need you to watch out for everyone here, okay?" I ask petting him.

"Go on." I tell him, he does as told and leaves, I stand up going to get my stuff ready for the next fight. Once I was ready I stand outside at the gate next to Rick.

"Are ya ready for this, Officer Friendly?" I asked joking in a way to lighten the mood a bit, Rick looks at me.

"Maybe." He mumbles before walking over to Carl handing him his gun to Michonne as he goes.

"Rick, we're staying. We don't know where the Governor is. If he comes back, we'll hold him off." Glenn tells him.

I looked between him and Maggie and nodded knowing if the Governor did come back it was a good idea to have some people back here, as Maggie scoffed.

"Alita, is it alright with you that I stayed back with them just in case they need more help?" Ash asks me as I nodded as I see her have the rifle I gave her when we were out there.

"Just the four of us? Alright." Daryl says putting the gun strap over his head.

I pat Ash's shoulder telling her goodbye for now before heading to the motorcycles with Daryl.

I threw my leg over my bike as I put the put it into ignition, as Carol and Ash kills some walkers that were near us before Glenn and Maggie opens the gate.

Daryl and I heading out first leading the way for Michonne and Rick.

As we head down the road we came across of the Governor's vehicles parked in the road, Daryl and I stopped our bikes before we got off.

I pulled out my pistols as we get closer, but what greets us is a bunch of the Governor's soldiers dead with walkers eating them.

I got out one of my knives out killing the ones near us, as Rick states one in the head that's next to the truck.

Later on I jumped hearing a banging on a door, turning to the truck I see a woman against the window looking at us.

Rick pulls his hammer back aiming at her, as Daryl opens the door.

She gets out with her hands up, Rick pushes her out of the way and checks the truck before closing the door behind him as we turned our attention to her...

After she explained what had happened to the people we get back on our rides to go to Woodbury with her in tow.

"I like our odds a lot better now." I mumbled, before we headed back to our rides as Daryl grunts in agreement as we pull past the bodies.

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