Chapter 5: Well Walker

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita was wearing in this chapter.)

Alita's Point of View

I smirked a little bit as I got on my motorcycle thinking of that memory. Soon I snapped back into reality when I remembered that I had to find Sophia, and some of my people as well. I was about to start the motor, but I hear someone call my name.

"Alita! Uh... Hey sorry to bother you in going to try and find Sophia, uh.... But can you come quickly, please." Lori (Rick's wife) says to me.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked, but she doesn't answer, so I quickly followed her.

I later found out where she was going when I arrived at one of the farm's wells. Dale, Andrea, T-Dog, Glenn, Maggie, and Shane where already there.

I looked down the well and saw a disgusting , fat, snarling walker 15 feet down, wading around in the water.

"Looks like we got a swimmer." Dale commented.

"Let's get the wood off to get a better look." Dale says to everyone here. T-Dog and Shane obliged, each lifting one side of the circular wooden cover and tossed it a few feet away.

"How long do you think it's been there?" Glenn asked sighing.

"Long enough to grow gills." Andrea says, as I chuckled and spit into the well, at the walker.

"He poisoned the ***-****** water." I said sighing a bit.

"We better get that thing out." I stated looking at the group behind me, while scratching the back of my head.

"Of course, why wouldn't we?" Dale reassured me, with me looking at the walker once again.

"I say we do it the easy way. Put a bullet in it's head." T-Dog says looking at us.

"Woah, woah. Guys, no." Maggie ordered.

"Why not?" Glenn asked slowly.

"It's a good plan." He says with T-Dog standing by him.

"It's a stupid plan." Andrea says standing near Lori.

"If that thing hasn't contaminated the water yet, blowing it's brains out will finish the job." I added while Maggie and Andrea nodding at me.

"She's right. Can't risk it." Shane agreed with me, which was a first.

"So it has to come out alive." I said looking at the group again, sighing. Maggie suddenly ran off and came back a few minutes later with a rope, a fishing line, and some meat, now with me smiling.

"Here, take this. Tie it to the end of the fishin' line and lower it down here." She instructed, as I looked at her smiling some more and nodding. 

She smiled back at me for a bit and nodded back, she knew it was my way of saying 'Good job' or 'Thank you' without even saying anything. Maggie has been like a little sister to me, since we grew up together when Shawn was around. Actually Shawn and I were the ones to teach her that technique that she was teaching the group now.

"Then take the rope and make that end into a noose. Hopefully he'll go after the meat and we can pull him up by the neck." Maggie says to Shane and Dale, they did as they were told and everyone watched intently as the walker 'studied' the meat for a moment before looking away.

"Y'know, I don't think it's gonna want that. Walkers usually like their meals kicking and screaming." I said looking at the walker, now pulling the rope up as Maggie and I sighed.

"She's right. The dead didn't come back to life so they can raid our cupboards." Lori says agreeing with me, now looking at the rest of the group.

"So, live bait then?" Andrea asked, looking at Glenn. He looked up and noticed almost everyone looking at him, as he nodded slowly. Shane then pulls the rest of the rope back up and tied the other end around Glenn's waist as he sat on the edge of the wall.

"Have I mentioned that I really liked your new haircut?" Glenn asked nervously.

"You have a nice shaped head..." He said looking at Shane. At the moment I mentally chuckled, while Shane chuckled, finishing the knot.

"Don't worry about it, bud. We're gonna get you out of here in one piece." Shane responded to Glenn's nervousness.

"Living piece. The living part is important." Glenn says nervously chuckling. 

Shane wrapped the rope around the pump a few feet away and everyone helped to make sure Glenn was lowered slowly and brought up quickly. Despite Maggie's, 'You people are crazy' comments, Glenn's terrified screams, and me hesitating a little bit.

Yet we continued to lower him, then he told us that he got the walker, so we pulled him back up. But in life not everything goes perfectly...

This was the case when I suddenly saw the pump give way and fell over. Shane lets go of the line and jumped to grab the pump, which had completely came out of the ground and was about to get sent down the well. 

Everyone helped to grab hold of it and to keep Glenn from falling into the walker's grasp, but during that time my eyes turned a bit silver as I used all of my strength to help get Glenn out of that well. 

Eventually, we had raised him high enough for him to climb out. I ran over to Glenn and got on my knees next to him as my eyes turned back to brown, and he breathed heavily into the ground as I rubbed his back while he caught his breath.

"Back to the drawing board." Dales says, Glenn scoffed and got up onto his knees, as I sighed.

"Says you." Glenn said as he stood up and removed the rope from himself and gave it to Dale. 

I stood up as well as Maggie came to my side checking on me, I reassured her that I was fine, she knew of my secret of my eyes turning silver, and she must of saw the silver, but we didn't know if the others saw. Soon I gave her the 'we need to talk later' look, as we all see the line was tugging. 

We all gathered around the well once more to see the walker had somehow managed to get the noose around the walker's neck. We all started to work to pull it up and eventually it made it's way into the daylight.

It's fat, disgusting body dragged out of the well just up to the waist, when suddenly, it's entire body gave out and split in half. The bottom half of it's body fell off and crashed back down into the well. The rest of it lied on the ground, rolling and grasping for us.

"Well, there goes that." I commented, rubbing my palms with my thumbs. I walked up and took my knife out, stabbing it in the head.

"Good thing we didn't do something stupid, like shoot it in the head." I commented again, now grabbing my crossbow that was near the well, heading towards the RV for my shift. 

-Time skip-

Later on that day, I was sitting with Beth, Maggie, and Hershel inside the house in one of the rooms talking about the silver eyed thing that happened earlier.

"So the silver eyes appeared on you earlier again Alita?" Hershel asked in concern. 

I nodded, sighing a bit stressed since tonight was a full moon and I might have to go out when everyone is asleep, hopefully no one noticing, but we are in the middle of the apocalypse. I could change if I wanted to anytime, yet it's harder to control it whenever it's a full moon.

"Yeah, but when ever I change, please.... Keep everyone in the house, please... I can't have another accident..." I said concerned and scared, not just for me, but everyone at the farm. All three of them nodded at me, looking at me concerned for my well being as well as everybody else's.

"We'll help you Wolfie! No matter what! Shawn saw someone to protect, since he was the like that too! Right?" Beth said with Maggie and Hershel patiently smiling at me, I smiled at the three, nodding as I hugged the three.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" I said sadly smiling as they hugged me back. 

Soon a familiar face appeared from the door, and I saw that it was Daryl, he returned. Alone, unfortunately... I got up and smiled at the three as they smiled back, nodding. 

Soon Daryl and I left the house to go to our tent, as the two of us put our crossbows next to each other, as I smiled and nodded at him before he gave me a kiss on the top of my head and we started a small fire as we sat down.

Now that Daryl is back, we started to get closer, like how we were once, the whole group noticed, I could tell a lot of them were happy, but didn't say anything because either me or Daryl will deny it...

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