Chapter 69: How can we tell Beth?

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Alita's Point of View

That night after we got back Daryl and I made our way to tell Beth about what happened to Zack, we find her writing in a note book while laying in her bed.

"Hey," She greets the both of us.

"Hi." Daryl says.

"Hey, sis." I replied.

"What is it?" She asks, I take a breath.

"There was a problem on the run..." I said trailing off.

"Zack." Daryl tells her, she shifts a little.

"Is he dead?" She asks us.

"Yeah." I whispered looking at my feet.

"Okay." She says, I looked up at her my eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

She sits up looking at the wall across from her, she stands up and goes to a days without accident counter.

She changes it from 30 to 0 days before looking over at Daryl and I who's standing at the doorway.

"What?" She asks, Daryl shrugs shaking his head.

"I don't cry anymore. I'm just glad I got to know him, you know?" She asks coming over to us.

"Me too." Daryl tells her softly with me nodding.

"Are you okay?" She asks us.

"Just tired of losing people is all." Daryl tells her, she wraps her arms around Daryl, he awkwardly touches her arm.

I softly smiled at the two, seeing the action takes place between my husband and sister figure.

"I'm glad I didn't say goodbye. I hate goodbyes." She says before pulling away.

"Me too." Daryl tells her, she looks at me and pulls me into a hugz

I wrapped my arms around her sighing. After she lets go Daryl and I went to lay down in our cell, I cuddled into his side.

He pulls me closer to him kissing the top of my head, I kissed his chest gently closing my eyes.

Somehow ignoring the sounds of coughing as I started to drift off to sleep.

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