Chapter 88: Barn

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Alita's Point of View

The thunder booms still once we get to the barn, after a quick sweep the rest of us pile in shutting the door behind us.

I spoke the water out of my hair like the dogs as I put down my stuff down.

As it grew dark the others made a fire, I stood off to the side trying to wring the water out of my bandanna.

What was a blessing a little while ago is now irritating, I sighed a little, dropping my bandanna next to my crossbow.

My eyes fluttered closed when a familiar pair of arms wrapped around me.

Daryl's Point of View

"Are you okay?" I asked my voice meeting Alita's ears, and she nodded a little.

"Yeah, I'm just soaking wet." She complained jokingly as she shakes her head like a dog, well...

She is part wolf...


"Really? I haven't done anything yet." I commented.

I knew she rolled her eyes, but a blush settled on her face, I just knew it.

"I'm sorry." I apologized, I felt her run her hands over my arms.

"About?" She asked me.

"The way I've been treatin' ya again, ain't fair." I responded to her.

"It's fine... You've had a lot on you since what happened." She told me.

"Nah, that ain't enough, you've been carryin' stuff too, I shouldn't of been such a *******." I chuckled a little.

"I forgive ya." Alita whispered looking at me, I kissed her cheek gently.

"Come on." I mumbled pulling gently to the fire, we sat down with the few that surrounded it.

I could see her glance at Rick, who's watching a sleeping Carl.

No One's Point of View

"He's gonna be okay. He bounces back more than any of us do." Carol comments.

Alita nodded in agreement at her statement about Carl.

"I used to feel sorry for kids that have to grow up now. In this... But I think I got it wrong... Growing up is getting used to the world. This is easier for them." Rick says.

"This isn't the world. This isn't it." Michonne tells him.

It's quiet for a second, the only sound being the storm raging outside.

"It might be." Glen throws out, the people looked over at him.

"It might." He repeats his statement.

"That's giving up." Michonne tells him.

"It's reality." Glenn says to her.

"Until we see otherwise, this is what we have to live with." Rick professed.

"When I was a kid... I asked my grandpa once if he ever killed any Germans in the war..." Rick starts.

"He wouldn't answer. He said that was grown-up stiff, so... So I asked if the Germans ever tried to kill him..." Rick continued.

"But he got real quiet... He said he was dead the minute he stepped into enemy territory." Rick says as Alita looked over at him while he tells this story.

"Everyday he woke up and told himself, 'Rest in peace. Now get up and go to war.'" Rick kept going.

"And then after a few years of pretending he was dead... He made it out alive. That's the trick of it, I think..." He mumbles.

"We do what we need to do and then we get to live. But no matter what we find in DC, I know we'll be okay." Rick continued.

"Because this is how we survive... We tell ourselves... That we are the walking dead." Rick says looking at each person around the fire as a chill went down Alita's spin.

"We ain't them." Daryl tells him, he sits up and begins to break some sticks to put in the fire.

"We're not them. Hey, we're not." Rick tells him gently.

"We ain't them." Daryl repeats as he stands up, he grabs his crossbow and walks away, as Alita follows him with her's.

"Baby—" She starts, and he cuts her off by slamming his lips into hers, she smiles a little as she pulls away.

"What was that?" She questioned raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not down apologizing." He mutters before he picks her up and places her on the ground away from the others.

She smiled touching his face gently.

"I love you, Daryl." She whispers to him.

"I love ya too." He tells her before kissing her again.

The raging storm is less of a bother, and the loud winds and thunder are very useful as Daryl apologizes.

-Time skip.-

Later on in the night Alita stood with Daryl as he paces in front of the door, they swing back and forth harshly.

The chain not doing much to keep them shut, Daryl looks out and is quick to start pushing against the door, as Alita rushed over.

"What is it?" Alita whispered to him as she started to feel uneasy.

"Walkers." He says that, she threw her back to the door helping him with all of her strength combined with her Wolf powers.

Soon Maggie and Sasha joined the two followed by the others.

They slipped on the muddy ground as they fought the howling winds and walkers...

After fighting to keep the doors shut everyone heads off to sleep, Alita leaned against Daryl eventually passing out.

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