Chapter 76: Let's Get out of Here! Goodbye Hershel.

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Alita's Point of View

I blinked back from the memory focusing back on the man who holds my father figure's life in his hands, I can see Rick's getting very flustered.

I don't know what Rick said, but the look and the precious smile Hershel gives tells me that he's proud of him. The Governor lowers the sword, I took a breath.

Then the Governor swings cutting Hershel's head almost completely off, I lowered the gun in shock as the air leaves my lungs.

"Nooooo!!!" Hearing Maggie and Beth sob brings me back into the situation, I sobbed breathing harder.

"NO!!!!" I shouted watching as another father in my life falls to the ground, my eyes blur with tears.

Ash had a shocked expression on her face and she starts shooting with her rifle.

"No!" Rick shouts shooting, once the first shot happens the rest of us joined.

I raised the rifle shooting at the people, Maggie screams out shooting at them while Beth cries. My eyes fall down on Rick as he retreats, I could see him get shot.

"Rick!" I called out continuing on firing.

The tears don't stop as I shoot hoping to kill every last person standing on the other side of that fence, they moved the tank using it to drive through the fences.

We spread out a little, but they started to blow up the prison and we had no choice but to back up as they drove the tank right up to the prison.

I ran shooting as I go, trying to keep the ones getting on the bus safe so they can leave. I pinned one down placing my gun against their head.

"Please! I didn't know he was actually going to kill anyone! Please!" He cries putting his gun down.

I lowered my gun pulling my knife from it's holster, before he could protest I slit his throat before going back to shooting the others.

I wanted to go and make sure Ash and Foxy got out, but I can't turn away from the job at hand.

I wanted to catch back up to Daryl, but the people shooting at me and they kept me from moving from where I saw him last.

The tank fires again taking down more of the prison.

Once the last person falls I looked around at the walkers flooding the place.

I rushed to see if anyone was still here, but I didn't see anyone.

I have to leave if they aren't here anymore I have to see if they went somewhere else.

Soon I was rushing out of the prison fighting walkers as I went.

Once away from the prison I head into the woods not looking back, not having a reason to look back now.

(Author/Red: Hope you enjoyed this Chapter. Now onwards onto Season 5!)

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