Chapter 83: Goodbye Bob

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Alita's Point of View

That morning everyone starts to tell Bob their goodbyes.

"You'll always be with us. Part of us." Maggie kisses his hand before getting up, Glenn pats Bob's foot.

As I nodded at the couple, I walked over to Bob and I gave him a small smile.

"I'm glad Daryl and Glenn found you, you've down a lot for us." I muttered, and he smiles weakly at me.

"Tell him I said bye." He says, and I nodded at him.

"I'll see you later, Bobby." I whispered patting his arm.

"See you later, Alita or should I say Wolfie." He mumbles weakly, we then started to pile out so Sasha can be alone with him.

"Rick." I heard him call out before Rick leaves, later I sat down on one of the pews patting Foxy's head, I wasn't to close to Bob, but I sighed running one of my hands through my hair.

He was part of the group, part of the family, and having such a bright and happy man dying is a enough to break my heart, I hang my head rubbing my eyes.

'Why does this incident from last night look so familiar?' I thought as I started to shake.

"Alita? Alita!" Maggie said gently to me as I felt myself shake my thoughts away for now.

"Maggie?" I asked with myself still feeling uneasy and I could tell she was worried not just for everyone, but for me as well.

"I know somethings wrong. I could tell like how you could tell for the rest of us. You know you can tell me anything like how I always do to you or Glenn." Maggie reassured me as I nodded.

"I know, and yeah there's somethings wrong." I started as I sighed running a hand through my hair.

"What is it, Ali?" Maggie asked me in concern and I sighed again.

"That incident from last night..." I started as she nodded for me to continue.

"Yeah, what about it?" Maggie asked me worriedly.

"That looked really familiar to me and I can't remember why." I stated after a bit nervous and uncertainty.

"Maybe... Is it because of what you went through at the start?" Maggie asked me in worry.

"I think so... But I can't be too sure." I stated after a while we hear sobbing.

Tyreese goes into the room, Sasha walks out not long after I got up, and headed over to her pulling her into a hug, she sobs into my shoulder.

"Let it out friend." I whispered placing a hand on her head, she grips my shirt in her hands crying, I closed my eyes.

After burying Bob, we stood with Abraham, he hands Rick a map.

"This is our route to DC. We'll stick to it as lone as we're able, it not... Well, you got our destination. Once Eugene gets to the big brains left up there, things are gonna bounce back. This group should be there for it. You should be there for it." Abraham tells him.

"They will be." Maggie says, and I nodded at that.

"We will." Michonne and I confirmed, Rick looks back at us.

"We will." He says, he smiles at Abraham, Abe returns it.

"Let's go." He says heading to the bus, Maggie and Glenn came over to Ash and I, and we smiled at them,

"Stay safe." I muttered hugging Maggie, and Ash hugs Glenn.

"You guys too." She whispered letting me go, and Ash lets go of Glenn.

I hugged Glenn patting his back, and Ash hugs Maggie, then we all let go of each other, and the two went into the bus.

And we watched them as they drove off, as I watched the bus disappear my heart feels heavy, and now with the threat gone I'm able to worry about Daryl and Carol.

I ran a hand over my face as the group and I headed back inside... When I leaned on a wall in the church that night.

Foxy comes over to me, and I patted his head, he probably knows the worry was eating at me, knowing I wanted to look out for them, as my arm was feeling better.

I couldn't go out there just yet. I stopped patting Foxy as I sighed. Soon I hear the door opened and Michonne walks back in with someone trailing behind her.

My eyes fall on Daryl, my heart swells seeing him.

"Baby." I call out, he comes over to me and pulls me into his arms.

I kiss his cheek, pulling away I held his face in between my hands, seeing the look in his eyes causing me to worry.

"Where's Carol?" I asked, he looks around us that's when I noticed someone had came in behind him, an unfamiliar face.

"What happened?" Rick asks, Daryl looks at him.

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