Chapter 57: What does the Governor want?

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No One's Point of View

The sun was setting along the horizon, dying the usual white clouds with different shades or orange and pink.

There weren't many beautiful things left on this world, but sunsets, sunrises, and the stars were still the same and for the few minutes they lasted, it made Alita almost forgot about the world around her. When she wasn't fighting for her life of in wolf form at least.

She sighed taking a deep breath of the cool afternoon air as she leant against the railing of the guard tower. She enjoyed keeping watch, it kept her mind busy and it was a lot better than sitting in the prison doing nothing.

"Oh, thank God." Alita sighed, hearing the familiar rumble of Daryl's motorcycle filling the air before she spotted him and Rick's car as they drove through the front gate of the prison through the field of walkers.

"Open the gate!" Alita yelled leaning over the railing to Carol who was standing in the courtyard by the gate before she quickly opened it letting them in.

Alita watched as Daryl climbed off his motorcycle, wearing his usual poncho as he walked over to the others who all began walking over to the others who all began walking out of the prison towards them, wanting to know what happened.

They all talked for a few minutes, but she couldn't hear what they were saying from the top of the tower.

She figured they would tell her what happened after her watch shift so she walked back around along the platform as she took a seat, letting her legs dangle off the edge as she rested her arms against the lower railing bar.

"How'd it go?" Alita asked over her shoulder after hearing footsteps climbing up the stairs to find Daryl walking towards her, but by the look on his face it didn't go well.

"Rick says the Governor want's us all dead." Daryl muttered, taking a seat beside her.

"I could have told you that days ago." Alita responded as she rested her chin on top of her arms along the railing.

"Do you think we can beat them? I mean this is gonna turn into a war, right? And we all know Woodbury has the numbers." Alita questions. Daryl didn't say anything for a few seconds as he took his Pancho off and wrapped it over her shoulders and she smiled resting her head against his shoulder.

"We have more guns now and the prison is big. We could use that against 'em." Daryl finally said as the two looked along the horizon, watching the sky slowly turn dark.

"Like hide in the prison and attack when they aren't expecting it? Gorilla warfare?" Alita asked and she felt Daryl nod as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

Neither of them spoke for a while after that as the two looked out along the horizon as stars slowly began filling the dark night sky.

She could tell Daryl was worried about the Governor, **** everyone was worried about the Governor, but they weren't going to give up the prison.

It was the first real safe place since the farm that is found in the new world and they couldn't live on the road with Judith, she needs a place to call home.

A place to grow up. To have somewhat of a normal childhood, ****, Carl and Beth deserved that too, they couldn't lose the prison.

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