Chapter 62: In Pain (Alita)

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No One's Point of View

Eventually Alita and Daryl reached the prison as Alita slowed the motorcycle down.

Although the sun was slowly setting behind the two somewhere, Alita could still spot Rick and Carl already opening the gate for the two as she rode towards them.

She saw the slight confusion was on Rick's face when he realized she was driving the bike and not Daryl as they rode past them.

She slowed the bike down parking it near the other vehicles and her motorcycle before killing the engine and looking down at her feet as she felt tears rising in her eyes, but holding it back. Alita spent the past couple of hours forcing her tears away.

But now being back at the prison she was back at square one, on what if that was Maggie, Beth, Ash, Rick, or someone else in the group.

But she was quickly taken away from the painful memories when she heard Rick call out of the two.

"What happened? Where's Merle?" Rick questioned and Alita glanced over her shoulder spotting him and Carl jogging over to them.

Rick slowed his pace when he saw her eyes and she knew he figured out what happened as he dropped his head.

Alita felt Daryl climb off the bike and she looked over her shoulder as he yanked his crossbow off the back of the motorcycle in frustration.

Him knocking Alita's to the ground as he did so before he began walking towards the prison.

"Daryl, wait!" Alita shouted, quickly climbing off the motorcycle as she jogged the fire meters towards him grabbing his shoulder to get him to stop.

"Leave me be!" Daryl shouted in an angry yet broken voice as he threw his arm back, knocking her to the ground as he tried to get her hand off of him.

Alita landed on her side hard, but all were focused on was Daryl who quickly glanced over his shoulder at her.

A flash of guilt and regret flashing over his eyes as he saw Alita on the ground before he turned around and marched off towards the prison.

Alita looked at him in shock as she shook her head sitting herself up not even caring anymore as tears were forming in her eyes.

Suddenly Rick was kneeling in front of Alita, his worried eyes staring at her for a few seconds before he pulled her in a hug.

And Alita almost lost it, but she then let it out into his shoulder and he let's her.

She could feel her body shake as Rick held her tightly, knowing exactly how she feels in that moment after losing his wife only a few weeks earlier, knowing she lost someone really close to her other than someone in the group.

Alita knew how it's like to lose people you are really close to, she has told him about her first group was her family, friends, and a bunch of others she knew, loved, and cherished, yet it still hurts...

"Carl, go back inside. You don't need to see your aunt like this." Rick instructed, glancing over at the young boy who stared at the two, clearly having worked out why she was crying.

He stood there not knowing how to help before he nodded and ran back towards the prison. Alita was glad Rick told Carl to leave.

She didn't want the boy to see her cry, **** she didn't want to Rick to see her cry.

She didn't want to seem weak, but honestly right then she didn't care.

After a few minutes Alita slowly pulled away from Rick, wiping her watery eyes as he helped her to her feet.

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