Chapter 75: Advise

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(Author/Red: This is going to be a Flash back. Also this is what Alita is wearing in this flashback. Hope you enjoy the Chapter.)

-Flash back-

Alita's Point of View

I sat out in the pasture looking around, this is the first night I got to the Greene's farm in the apocalypse.

Everyone was laughing and talking to each other inside, I sat out here feeling like an outcast. Since I haven't been here for who knows how long.

"Hey." Hershel calls out, I looked at him before turning back to the sunset, I hear him sigh before he comes and sits next to me.

"What are you doing out here by yourself?" He asks, and I shrugged.

"I don't really fit in there like how I used to..." I mumbled, and he scoffs.

"How so?" He asks, I glanced at him.

"I'm not like the rest of you." I told him.

"How so?" He repeats, I shrugged in frustration.

"Because of what you've been through?" He asks, my head snaps over at him, he smiles gently at me.

"I could tell by how you acted, Wolfie. Even Shawn could see it from a mile away, and he would ask me to help him take care of you." Hershel starts.

"And, I promised your parents that I'd help look after you when you're out here with us. I know you had it rough... But, you want to know something?" He asks, I nodded, he moves a little closer to me.

"My dad was a mean old man, he would get drunk and beat me. I had a hard childhood." He tells me, I looked down.

"But, I got older. Made some mistakes along the way, but it got better. Like how it was for your parents, and then they got blessed with an amazing daughter..." Hershel starts.

"Listen I got married twice to two wonderful woman who blessed me with two equally amazing daughters and a step son. Hershel explained to me.

"Now God has blessed me once again with another beautiful daughter." He says, I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

"And Maggie and Beth finally has someone to talk too. Someone who I'm sure will come to love and protect them like their own blood, so I think that you fit in just fine." Hershel adds.

"You just need to give it time. They did before, and they'll open up to you again like when Shawn was around." He tells me, I smiled wiping the tears on my face.

"Can I have a hug?" I asked, Hershel smiles.

"Of course you can." He mumbles bringing me in.

I closed my eyes enjoying the warmth that fills me, the comfort and safety I felt from him. I haven't felt like this for a while...

(Author/Red: Welcome to the end of the Flash back!)

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