Chapter 16: Not another person!

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No One's Point of View

By this time the sun begun to go down and Daryl had to go to the barn since Rick planned on taking Randall to the barn and shoot him. Soon Alita begun putting out the fire.

"Go away, ya filthy walkers..." Alita said to herself, now finishing putting out the fire as she shoots two walkers in the head. 

By the time she got back to the farmhouse, it was already dark, and Daryl told Alita how Rick couldn't bring himself to shoot Randall. 

Alita sat next to Daryl by a fire and listened to the small talk that went around the group. It hadn't been very long when the group heard someone screaming coming from the distance. Everyone shot up and looked in the direction of the scream, as Alita started running towards the person.

"That sounds like Dale!" Alita screamed, while running from the group, as the group was panicked and shocked as she was. 

Everyone realized that Alita was right and ran out to where Dale was. Alita was the first to reach him, as Daryl was behind her. Dale was on the ground screaming, with a walker on top of him.

Daryl ran full speed into the creature and tackled it a few feet away, Alita went and stabbed the walker in the head. Soon everyone was getting closer to Dale to see a huge opening in his chest. Based on what Alita saw, she guessed the walker ripped him open. Daryl came back over quickly and kneeled down on Dale's other side.

"Hang in there, buddy." Daryl said, grabbing Dale's shoulder, Andrea and the others came running up to the three for Andrea to go right next to Alita to start and tear up as Alita moved out of the way to hear Rick yell.

"Get Hershel, we need the doctor!" Rick yelled. Daryl pulled Alita back, later hearing people mourning as Alita was a bit shocked at the sight. Rick pulled out his gun, but couldn't pull the trigger, so Daryl got the gun from Rick as Alita looked at the two in complete shock.

"Sorry brother..." Daryl said as he pulled the trigger, ending the pain and suffering for the man everyone knew and loved. 

Alita stared at Dale's body for a few more seconds before she walked over to the to the walker on the ground as she pulled out her knife out of it's head. She sighed for a bit, now trying to wrap her head around what just happened, another person dead. She should've expected that, after what happened with her group from before... She felt like she could've prevented that death...

She felt someone tap on her shoulder, bringing her out of her thoughts, and turned around to find Daryl standing beside her holding out his red rag, Alita looked up to his face and she could seethe pain and grief in his eyes.

"Thanks..." Alita said barely above a whisper, she took the rag and wiped down her knife before handing the rag back as she clipped the knife back into her boots. 

Nobody moved away for a few minutes, everyone still trying to process what the **** just happened before Glenn asked about what they were going to do now. Everyone looked over at Rick for an answer, but he was too busy staring at Dale's lifeless body in shock.

It wasn't fair that all of this pressure was on Rick all the time. Alita noticed the way Daryl stepped up a few moments earlier relieving Rick from all the hard work and now it was her turn to do the same...

"We bury him tomorrow and have a funeral for him, it's what he would've wanted. I can bury him in the morning, you guys need all the rest you guys can get." Alita suddenly said to him before looking back at the others, who nodded slightly in agreement especially to her.

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