Chapter 127: Told to Stay

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Alita's Point of View

The next morning, after I got back from the hunt in wolf form soon I turned back into human form.

Later I see Ezekiel was leading some of the group out, he stands outside amongst the people going about their daily routines.

I glanced at some people that are practicing with bow and arrows, I notice one of them missing a leg while the one who's coaching them is missing an arm.

"This is life here. Every day. But it came at a cost." Ezekiel turns to the group.

I got closer, but when they saw me they knew that I had to hunt cause of the wolf in me.

Later Ezekiel continues...

"And I wanted more of this. I wanted to expand. To create more places like this. Men and women lost their limbs. Children lost their parents. Because I sent them into battle against the wasted when I did not need to." Ezekiel states.

"This is different." Rick tells him.

"It isn't." Ezekiel responds.

"It is. The dead don't rule us. The world doesn't look like this outside you walls. People don't have it good. Some people don't have it good at all." Rick tells him.

"I have to worry about my people." Ezekiel tells us.

"You call yourself a **** king. You sure as **** don't act like one." Daryl snaps.

"All of this... Came at a cost. It was lives, arms, legs." Ezekiel states away from Daryl.

"The peace we have  with the Saviors is uneasy, but it is peace. I have to hold on to it. I have to try." Ezekiel says.

"And what happens when he's beating your people's heads in with a bat? Taking your women as his wives, putting your men in cells?" I asked.

"Alita." Rick says holding his hand out to me, I shook my head but kept quiet, turning my eyes to the ground.

"Although the Kingdom cannot grant the aid you desire, the King is sympathetic to your plight. I offer our friends Alita, Daryl, Amy, Mika, Evelyn, Alita, and Ethan asylum for as long as they require it. They will be safe here. The Saviors do not set foot inside our walls." Ezekiel states.

"How long you think that's gonna last?" Daryl asks before turning and walking away, we follow after him.

Coming to a stop at the gates my heart sinks a little. I know I was just out there, but...

It still does...

"Alright, open it up. We're gone." Daryl tells them the gates start to open and we start to leave, but Rick stops us.

"You two aren't." Rick says as I look over at him.

"We're not staying here." Daryl argues.

"You have to. It's the smartest play. You know it is." Rick states, Daryl scoffs as I rolled my eyes.

"Try to talk to Ezekiel. Or stare him into submission- Whatever it takes." Rick says to us.

"Alright, I guess." I answered for Daryl.

"We'll be back soon." Rick says patting my arm before he walks out, I look at Ash and Nate.

"Take care." I said to them.

"You too." They told me, Amy, Mika, Gab, Evelyn, Alita, Ethan, Mark, and Jack.

Soon with all of us saying goodbye to the couple.

When the gates close, Daryl storms off.

The others went their separate ways while I stand there for a second at the gates.

-Time skip-

I walked in to see Shiva, Ezekiel's tiger, to see Morgan standing there debating with himself on something.

I had a crossbow given to me by Jack and Gab earlier that day. When I got to Shiva's cage, I bent down looking at her for a bit.

Soon I felt someone coming near me, I looked up to see Morgan himself, now sitting with me.

"Daryl talked to you?" I asked and I could see him nod at me.

I picked up my finger as Shiva got closer to me.

"She seems to like you, Ezekiel would be very impressed, even after what you came back into the kingdom as." Morgan states, as I was petting Shiva.

"Maybe or due to the fact that I'm part animal, right?" I stated as he looked at me a bit confused.

I showed him my eyes could turn silver, and that in human form I could have my wolf ears and tail show up.

He was surprised that I showed him, and he looks back at Shiva to see that she was laying down near me in the cage.

"What you said earlier... About Negan making women his wives..." Morgan started.

"He made me one. Said he wouldn't kill Daryl if I did that. The ****** wanted to raise Daryl and I's kids." I said  knowing that I was answering his question.

"Kids?" Morgan asked in more confusion.

"Having twins. Found out when we were stuck in the Sanctuary." I informed him.

"Congratulations." He said to me, as I nodded at him.

"Thanks." I told him.

"How does Daryl feel about it?" He asked me.

"He's happy... Not that I know how he's feeling anymore, well... Not since we got out." I responded.

"It must have been hard for him. Both of you being stuck in there. And now knowing there were more people you knew in there stuck with you as well." He said to me.

I continued to pet Shiva.

"Yeah... I've been giving him his space cause of it. But... I don't know how much more I can take with him... Just... Ignoring me. It just reminds me of back at the prison... With someone." I informed him, he nods.

"He'll come around." He says patting my back.

"I don't know. He's been more on edge lately. Last time he was like that it was when his brother died." I said as I stopped petting Shiva.

"I've noticed." He mutters, I breathe a small laugh.

"Why won't you convince Ezekiel that this has to be done?" I asked him, and he looks down.

"Alita..." He starts.

"Morgan, you don't know what we saw, what we went through that night. The sounds, the images... If you were there I know you'd fell different." I told him.

"I can't." He says to me.

"I'm not asking you to start gutting people left and right, Morgan. I just want you to help push Ezekiel in the right direction. Push him to help us win this. To help save others from the Saviors." I told him, as he stands up.

"Okay, just walk out. That's what everyone seems to be doing now when I'm around." I stated.

"Alita-" He starts.

"Just get out, please." I told him.

We held eye contact for a second longer before turning and leaving the room, leaving the door open so when I leave the room.

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