Chapter 113: Maggie! Carol!

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Alita's Point of View

"You with the Colt Python. All of you lower your weapons right now." She orders. Daryl pulls his gun, Rick picks up the Radio.

"Come on out. Let's talk." He tells her.

"We're not coming out, but we will talk." She says, the radio clicks again.

"We've got a Carol and Maggie. I'm thinking that's something you want to chat about." She says, as my heart drops.

"Now, we're gonna work this out right now, and it's going to go our way." Rick says as he tells us to pull the guy up.

"You can see we have on of yours. We'll trade." Rick offers.

"I'm listening." She says.

"First I want to talk to Maggie and Carol, make sure they're alright." Rick tells her.

"Rick, it's Carol. I'm— I'm fine, but—" Carol's shaky voice is but off.

"Rick, it's Maggie. We're both okay. We'll figure this—" Maggie assures us before she is cut off.

"You have your proof. Let's talk." The lady says.

"Alright. This is the deal right here. Let 'em go, you can have your guy back and live." Rick says to her.

"Two for one, that's not much of a trade." She comments.

"You don't have another choice of you would've down something about it already." Rick points out, it's silent for a minute.

"Look, I know you're talking to over. It's a fair trade. Just come out, we do this, we all walk away." He tells her.

"Do we have a deal?" Rick asks.

"I'll get back to you." With that it goes quiet, I leaned over resting my hands on my knees.

"We find them, and we kill them." I growled out walking away.

Later on I drummed my fingers against my gun, my jaw sets and my heart beats louder in my ears, with my eyes turning more silver.

I'm tired, pissed, and nervous, and Glenn's in the worst shape.

His eyes are red but he hasn't cried, his face is pale and covered in sweat.

I don't know what to do, no one does, all we can do is wait for that ***** to reach out.

"Have you thought about it? Talk to me." Rick asks after we waited for who knows how lone with no word.

"You weren't listening. I said I'd contact you." The lady says.

"Would it make a difference if I said I was sorry about that?" Rick asks.

"What do you think?" The lady asked.

"I think we're gonna make the trade, so tell me where." Rick responded.

"We haven't agreed to that." She points out.

"You will." Rick says.

"You know what? I'm not so sure. We'd be taking most of the risk, not getting much in the way of a reward." The lady points out.

"The other option won't work out for you." Rick warns.

"We'll take our chances." The lady says, as Rick lowered the walkie with a pissed off look.

Later on I was mentally singing to myself, and by the time the walkie cracks to life, I had started to chew my nails a bit.

"********, are you there?" The lady asked, we're close to the place.

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