Chapter 8: Do you Remember?

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita was wearing in the memory, hope you enjoy this chapter.)

Alita's Point of View

Later in the day most of the group was gathered around the porch when they started getting anxious and arguing about what to do with the Sophia situation. I knew that I couldn't find Nate, Foxy, or anyone else from my first group anywhere... But when I got back from my final search for them, something I never thought happened...


I was out in the woods, when a walker decided to pop out. I was about to kill it, with my knife, yet an arrow pierced through the side of it's head and it collapsed. I turned my gaze to see Daryl, as he lowered his crossbow and walked over to my side. 

After he pulled the arrow out of the walker's head, I put my knife back in it's place and grabbed my crossbow. We turned towards each other, but his expression seemed angry.

"The **** were ya doin' out here?!" He yelled at me.

"You could a been bit!" Daryl says looking unapologetically.

"I was trying to help you guys find that little girl! Even tired to find some of my group!" I said. 

'I kind of wondered why he never spoke to me when he arrived, but I brushed it off as I did with some of the other new people. Now I was starting to think he doesn't remember me, but why?' I thought.

"Come on." He said while walking back towards the farm.

"I'm takin' ya back." He says putting back his arrow.

"NO! Why can't I help ya Daryl like before?!?" I asked angered. Daryl never seemed to give a **** about some people helping out and his entire group seemed to like me, why didn't he anymore?

"Don't need your help!" He snapped at me, turning in my direction.

"Your old man already don' want us here. Don' need him hatin' us more havin' his daughter out here tryna get herself killed!" He said angrily at me.

"He's not my dad!" I snapped back at him.

"I mean... He is a family friend." My voice softened as I looked away sighing. Daryl looked at me intently, his expression softened a bit as he saw the memory of something awful took place.

"Sorry." He began as he took a step closer to me.

"Hershel probably wouldn't want ya out here getting yourself into situations like this though." He finished.

"You should remember this Daryl... I was in the woods a lot like this before... Where I met you and Merle... Remember...?"

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