Chapter 63: In Pain (Daryl)

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Daryl's Point of View

I had no idea how long I spent walking around the dark hallways of the prison, but by the time I made my way back into the cell block everyone was back in their cells.

I must've been gone for a few hours, but I don't care. I probably looked like ****, my eyes were in no doubt red and bloodshot from all the tears from earlier.

But everyone was asleep now so it didn't matter. I looked up towards the cell I shared with Alita and figured that she had gone to sleep since I couldn't see any candle lights shining in the cell.

I don't want to wake her up, so I made my way towards the other door that lead to the kitchen type area next to the cell blocks.

I wasn't sure on what I was gonna do, but I didn't want to sit around and do nothin'. If I didn't keep my mind busy, my thoughts would be thinking of him and I cried enough for today to last myself a lifetime.

"Daryl, you okay?" Somebody suddenly questioned to my right, but I didn't need to turn around to know that the voice belonged to Rick.

It was a stupid question, cause it was clear that I wasn't, I just lost my brother. But I looked over at Rick's direction, spotting him sitting on one of the tables.

I then realized Rick was lost for words. He always knew what to say and when to say it, but right now Rick seemed almost helpless as he stared at me wishing he could help.

I know Rick knew exactly what it it was like to lose someone that was loved, but he still probably didn't know what to say to try to make a person feel better.

"Why are ya still awake?" I questioned, not bothering to answer Rick's question as I cleared my throat trying to make my voice not any better as I looked over at Rick.

"I was debating with Ash, and the Greenes earlier whether to go outside and try to convince Alita to come back inside." Rick started.

"It's probably like two in the morning by now. She shouldn't be out there on her own after what just happened. ****, I didn't want to let you wander around the prison by yourself after what just happened." Rick started.

"But I figured you wanted some space. Also Ash was out there with her earlier, both of them singing or something. I bet that is what calmed her down... But I'm not sure... And her dog is still out there with her right now." Rick responded and I nodded, giving Rick an unspoken thank you.

"Before it suddenly clicked in my head what Rick just said about Alita and how she was outside, even with her dog I was still worried.

"Wait, I thought Alita was in bed or out on a hunt in her wolf form... Where is she?" I quickly questioned, glancing over at the door that led to the cell block before turning back to Rick who sighed, rubbing his face with his hands.

"She's in the guard tower. Some of us have tried to get her to come back inside the prison, but she won't listen and I'm pretty sure if I try to talk to her this time she'll kill me." Rick responded and I nodded with a sigh.

"For her losing Merle is like losing another person of her family, Rick what if ya lose everyone here. That's what she went through at the beginning of all of this, it was before she was at the farm." I said to him to see Rick shocked.

It was obvious that Alita didn't tell him about it all, knowing that she won't talk about it much, she just said it happened.    

'Yep, with what Rick told me that sounds like Alita, but... Why would she want to stay in the guard tower all night?' I thought, but I figured it was the same reason I wandered around the hallways of the prison for hours.

She wanted to keep herself busy and have her mind focused in something other than Merle.

She probably wanted some space and not be around anyone, which I completely understood.

But it's probably been over seven hours since we got back to the prison and I didn't like the thought of her being outside by herself with her dog, especially with the Governor still out there.

"I'll go try to convince her to come back, she might listen to me." I said after a few minutes of silence as I began walking towards the door that lead to the courtyard.

"I can try to talk to her again, you should get some rest." Rick suddenly called, standing up from the table as I turned around shaking my head.

"Nah, I shouldn't have left her alone to begin with." I replied, looking at Rick who nodded in understanding before I made my way outside.

I had no idea what to say to her, just the thought of talking about Merle just made me want to cry, but I doubted that I had any tears left to cry after the past couple of hours.

'I should probably thank Ash later for trying to cheer Alita up. Knowing her that is was a thing that calmed her down from anything.' I thought making my way to the guard tower.

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