Chapter 145: Night Fight

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing for a while

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing for a while. Hope you guys enjoy the Chapter.)

Alita's Point of View

It was dark out, everyone that could fight was outside and ready for the boot to fall.

Drumming my fingers against my leg, I say a few prayers as we wait for the Saviors to come, I stood still hearing cars pulling up outside the walls.

Pulling my gun I made sure there's one in the chamber, I meet Ash's eyes, I gave her a nod.

The gates are opened after a round of fire, Daryl speeds back in and a bus is put in place just as the Saviors try to enter.

"Now!" Maggie screams.

We don't waste any time in opening fire on the ones inside the walls and the others flooding in.

I get as close as I can while still being covered and I only go for head shots, I don't want them to have the slightest chance of recovery after this.

And I had to hide my wolf ears, as well as turn my eyes back to brown so I wouldn't be spotted.

Yet they came running in with knives of all things and fire arrows at our people farther away.

It doesn't make any sense why they wouldn't be shooting at us, but that doesn't make any difference.

Looking over I see Nate firing at them, before I go back to shooting, something catches my eye.

A Savior coming up in his blind spot, I don't waste any time in raising my gun, I fire right before they fire their arrow.

Nate spins around when they hit the ground, he looks around with wide eyes before they land on me, checking to make sure it's clear.

I head over to him slowly, shooting a few as I go. Once I was over to him, I press my back against his, looking for Saviors.

"Thanks." He says as he gasps as we move from our current area.

"Don't mention it- Seen Ash, Mark, Amy, Alita, or any of them?" I asked him.

"When the arrows started they went to make sure Maggie and everyone inside were okay, they're gonna stay there and protect them." He responds.

I shoot down a Savior that was lurking around in the shadows.

"Good, as long as they don't get themselves hurt or killed." I tell him.

"If they do, they have **** to pay." Nate tells me.

"**** right." I chuckled.

Together we moved deeper into the heart of Hilltop until I saw the light go out on the house.

I slapped Nate on the arm and point towards it, he nods and we rush to shoot out the lights on the Saviors vehicles and to throw our smoke bombs.

It fell quiet instantly, just the sound of bugs chirping in the woods around us, the only light being the moon shining over us.

I took this time to reload my handgun and my rife, taking a deep breath, I look out the windows at the approaching group of Saviors.

I can't help but feel uncomfortable when Simon starts to whistle, hanging my head I sighed before looking back out the window.

Once they get close enough the lights to the cars line up in the front of the house are flipped on and before they have the chance to adjust.

We fire and the ones that don't fall immediately make a run for it right where Rick and his group will be at their vehicles.

Getting up I made my way out of the house, rushing into the fray, I shoot the Saviors in my path.

Hearing a vehicle crank up, I took off running. Rick, Maggie, and I ran out of the gates, firing at the fleeing Saviors.

Once they're out of sight, I lower my gun, running a hand through my hair.

"I wanted them dead. All of them. Negan most of all." Maggie said panting.

"Yeah. Me to." Rick tells her.

"Did you see him?" Maggie asks

"He wasn't here. I saw him out there. I broke away and tried to kill him. I didn't, but I tried." Rick responds.

"Thank you." Maggie tells him. Sighing I looked over at them.

"Come on, let's get this **** cleaned up." I muttered walking back inside the gates with them following after me.

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