Chapter 146: Babies Kick?

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing for this chapter and next chapter. Hope you guys enjoy the Chapter.)

Alita's Point of View

The next day, it's moving all the cars back into place and trying to get the walkers off the walls, and treating the few injured while others bury the ones we lost.

I had some others and the dogs patrolling the gates, just in case they left any behind to try and kill us when we let our guard down.

I grunted as I put something down at the house, standing off to the side, I rubbed my back, stretching to try and get it to stop aching.

I yelped when I was getting lifted off my feet, once I was placed back down he presses his lips against the back of my neck.

"Shouldn't be carrying stuff." He tells me.

"Really, Daryl? I was just in a fire fight and you think a box of vegetables is gonna hurt me?" I asked glancing at him, he kisses my cheek.

"I'm just tryin' to make sure you're okay." He reassures me.

"I'm not a castle of glass- If I can get shot at, I can carry food. I'm worried about you, maybe you're the one who needs to take a break." I said turning to him with a bit of concern.

"Nah." He says shaking his head.

"Are you sure? You're too old to be pushing yourself this hard." I said smirking at him, he scoffs and slaps my side playfully.

"Too old, huh?" Daryl asks.

"Yep." I said clicking mu tongue.

He raises an eyebrow as he rubs his hand over my stomach.

"Must not be that old." He says wiggling his eyebrows and I can't help but laugh at him.

I stopped laughing, as my eyes widened as they met Daryl's equally widened eyes, my hand rests next to him on my stomach.

"Did you just-" I started to ask.

"They moved." He mumbles, a large smile slowly coming across his face.

I place a hand over my mouth as I began to laugh, tears filling my eyes.

"They moved!" I giggled as I threw my arms around his neck, he wraps his arms around me.

"Probably their way of tellin' you to stay out of fire fights." Daryl tells me.

"Well, too bad. I ain't stopping 'till the Saviors are dead or captured." I stated, one of them moved again.

I bury my face in Daryl's neck as my smiles widened.

"I don't think they liked that answer." He mumbles.

"Or they agree with me." I whispered.

"Doubt it." Daryl fires back.

"Oh, so they agree with you?" I asked pulling away, and raise any eyebrow at him, he nods.

"Well, they're in my stomach so that means they agree with me." I stated.

"Really?" He asks me.

"Yep." I said nodding as I press my lips against his.

Pulling away I smile down at Foxy as he sat down next to us, kneeling down I scratch his ears before pulling him into my chest.

"How's my handsome man doing?" I asked.

"I'm fine." Daryl grunts as he sits down next to me. Scoffing, I rolled my eyes.

"I said my handsome man, not my oldest-" O joked, giggling as he pushes me, leaning over I kiss his cheek.

"You are kinda, cute." I whispered.

"What happened Aunt Alita?" I hear Alita say to me, Daryl and I looked up to see her with Amy.

"Amy, Alita, you two okay?" I asked the two, they nodded.

"How's Mark?" I asked Amy.

"He's alright thanks to you." Amy tells me, as I nodded, with both of us smiling.

"Aunt Alita! What happened?!?!" Alita asked, inpatient as Amy sighs, Daryl chuckled at the young girl's attitude.

"Alita, the babies must be coming soon." I tell her, as she smiled brightly.

"Am I going to have cousins?!?!" She asked me happily.

"Soon, Alita. You will soon." Amy tells her.

Alita was jumping up and down happily. Daryl and I chuckled as Mika, Evelyn, Ethan, Jack, and Gab joined us and were talking about the soon to be kids.

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