Chapter 125: King Ezekiel

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(Author/Red: Happy New Year Everybody!)

Alita's Point of View

"It's called the Kingdom?" Rick asks as he gets out of the vehicle, with some of us following on horses.

"Yeah. I didn't name it." Jesus responds.

"How much farther?" Rick questions looking around.

"Well, technically, we're already here. I mean, we're always here, but we are- At the Kingdom. Well, it's outer edge." Jesus responds.

Daryl opens the door and looks over the roof at them.

"Hey, what the **** we waitin' on?" He asks.

"Waiting for them." Jesus points.

With us following his gesture I see three men on horses riding towards us.

I get out and stand next to Jesus with Daryl.

As I see Amy, Mika, Ethan, Mark, Alita, and Evelyn smile at one of the men.

"Who dares to trespass on the sovereign land of the- Oh ****. Jesus, Amy, Mika, Ethan, Mark, little Alita and Evelyn, is that you?" One of them said.

'Wait?!?! Jack? Sean? He's here after... Is Evelyn (Gab) here too?' I thought surprised. Jesus waves to them, they stopped next to us.

As Jack (Sean) was with Ash, Nate, Amy, little Alita, Mark, Evelyn (kid), and Ethan.

They were having a little reunion, I smiled at the little reunion.

"Who are the rest of these people, Paul?" One of them asked.

The small reunion coming to a halt, as Sean was shaking his head at the men with him.

"Hi, Richard. Nice to see you." Jesus greets walking over to them.

"It's good to see you, too. Your other friends, who are they?" Richard asks.

"This is Rick Grimes. He's the leader of a like-minded community. These are some of his people. So far I could see that you know Ash, Amy, Mika, young Evelyn, young Alita, Mark, Ethan, and Nate. Now it is time for you to meet the lady they kept mentioning to you. Alita?" Jesus says motioning for me to come forwards.

I looked at Rick and Daryl and they nodded at me, yet Daryl was protective of me as I went forwards with Daryl following me.

"This is Mrs. Alita Dixon, the young lady that helped with the plan to get some of people out. The ones that Jack just had a reunion with, one of them is her own cousin, Miss Ash Mesas. Future Mrs. Smith." Jesus says while I nodded at them.

"So, this is the famous Wolf we kept hearing about from Sean (Jack), Evelyn (Gab) and everyone else through via messages. Nice to finally meet you Mrs. Dixon." Richard says bowing at me a bit as I looked really confused at Jesus and Daryl.

Daryl put an arm around me protectively.

"We would like to request an audience with King Ezekiel." Jesus tells them.

Richard stops what he was doing and he looks through the windshield as he walks closer to the car.

"Get out of the car." He orders, they do as told.

"You say they're a... Like-minded community. Like-minded how?" Richard asked.

"We live, we trade, we fight the dead. Sometimes others." Jesus tells him.

Richard looks at Rick then the rest of us, then me, and the people with Jack.

"Line up." Richard says.

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