Chapter 21: What happened?

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No One's Point of View

"What's going on?" Carol questioned as the group rushed towards the shed where Rick, Daryl, T-Dog, and Andrea were gathered.

"Randall's missing." T-Dog muttered as he walked out of the shed crossing his arms in frustrations as the rest of the group reached the shed wanting to know what happened.

"The cuffs are still hooked, he must have slipped them." Rick informed walking out of the shed towards the group.

"How's that even possible?" Lori questioned as she grabbed Carl and Marine's hands making sure they stayed close to her, while Randall was running free somewhere.

Rick looked around at the group before glancing over at Daryl, who was trying to look for tracks around the shed before Shane came running from the forest.

"Rick! Rick!" Shane shouted causing the group to rush over to him gasping at his bloodied face.

"What happened?" Rick questioned him.

"He's armed! He's got my gun! Little **** just snuck up on me." Shane explained as he wiped the blood from his nose.

"Alright, Hershel, T-Dog get everybody back in the house! Glenn, Daryl, come with us!" Rick instructed, but Daryl and a couple of others froze looking over at the group finding everyone standing there, but Alita.

"Wait, where's Alita?" Daryl questioned as he loaded his crossbow, looking over at Rick, Patricia, Maggie, Beth, Jimmy, and Hershel's eyes as they scanned the group. 

Maggie and Beth widened their eyes in worry for their older sister, as Hershel looked shocked for his step-son's friend, while Patricia and Jimmy were really concerned for the young lady's safety.

"She's probably back at the house." Rick replied, but Daryl shook his head, while the Greenes were still worried. She could be out there somewhere while Randall is free with a gun, running around.

"She can take care of herself, we need to find Randall." Shane added glancing over at them, who looked hesitant on what to do.

"Rick need you to help track Randall. We will find Alita, she is probably at the house..." Maggie tried to reassure the others or herself, looking at Daryl before giving Glenn a quick kiss as Rick, Shane, Glenn, and Daryl all ran in the direction Shane pointed them towards.

'**** Alita. You better be okay.' Beth, Maggie, Patricia, Jimmy, Hershel, and Daryl thought to themselves.

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