Chapter 142: Rest

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(Author/Red: Yep another Alita and Daryl chapter.

But a sad Alita and Daryl chapter.

Also I know it's a Markiplier picture, but I thought that it would fit the chapter.

Hope you guys enjoy.)

Alita's Point of View

After walking for a while, I have to take a break, I couldn't keep going, I needed a moment.

Daryl had agreed and was telling people to keep watch as the others sat down and rested before we had to keep going.

I just walked away as he did, forgetting about the Saviors for a moment. I walk out of the trees and into a clearing...

I stare out at the open field the sun was just beginning to shine on with tears in my eyes.

I still couldn't wrap my head around all of this-

Not this time.

I couldn't find a piece of my mind that said this was real, but I had saw it happening with my own eyes-

A good kid, someone too young to be gone was.

Later my eyes went to the dogs, who are completely carefree and playing with each other.

I began to tremble, but I caught myself from sobbing or crying all over again.

Carl shouldn't be getting buried right now, he should be with his family. And the worst part...

We don't have time to mourn, we have to pick ourselves up again and keep fighting Negan and the Saviors.

It seems like we don't have a break and let ourselves grieve over what or who we lost.

We have communities to run and win a war.

A war that seems useless now, but some of us have to keep going for the kids that are here now, or are going to be here in the future.

I sighed as I try and compose myself, just a little. A hand falls to my stomach, closing my eyes I ran a hand over it gently.

They need a world that Carl was supposed to live in, safe.

No more threats and no more Negan and the Saviors killing people senselessly-

"Your bellies gotten bigger." Daryl mumbles.

I nodded a little as I open my eyes, looking at the grass, I sniffle before wiping my face off.

"I guess so." I whispered.

I looked at him knowing that he had something to say.

"You think it's time for me to step back from fighting?" I asked him and he nods, knowing how he is with me.

I sighed knowing where he was coming from, but yet I couldn't after Carl.

"Daryl, I can still fight." I tell him.

"You're startin' to show, you can't keep fighting much longer. You're gonna slow down here soon, you won't be able to move as fast, and you could even get hurt. Even in wolf form." He argues.

"I... I can't stop now- Not after Carl." I start as I bit my lip to keep it from shaking.

"That's why you have to..." He says touching my back.

"I can't lose you or them." He adds.

"How can I stop? After this? After him- I have to finish this, find the peace Carl wanted. The peace he always talked to me about." I said now looking at him through my tears.

He's right and I know he is, but I don't know what to do.

"How do I stop, Daryl?" I ask him.

"I don't know." He said sighing.

"I just want some peace... But how can we find it? Does peace even exist anymore?" I asked.

"It does." Daryl responds.

"How do you know?" I whispered.

He places his hand on my stomach and rubs it gently.

"I know 'cause they're here." He mumbles as he meets my eyes, he places a hand on my cheek.

"That's what your dad told me when I met him when he was in Alexandria when he was alive. He told me there will be peace cause we are here, and now they will be." He adds.

Closing my eyes I rest my head on his chest, he wraps his arms around me tightly.

"It hurts, it hurts so much." I said gripping his shirt between my fists.

"I know." He says kissing my head, pulling away he wipes the tears off my face and I see some in his eyes as well.

"It shouldn't have been him." He sighs, I nod a little.

"I just don't understand why it had to be him." I said as I cried.

"It shouldn't have happened, but he was saving someone- If he had to go he would've wanted it to be 'cause he was doing something good." Daryl tells me.

"Yeah. He was a good kid... Too good for all of this ****." I whispered.

"He was. Now we have to live for him." He mutters.

"We will." I said as I grabbed his hand and squeeze it.

He brings it to his lips and presses a kiss to my knuckles. Leaning my head against his arm, I look back at the trees.

Daryl pulls me closer to him as a breeze blows.

Closing my eyes I place my hand over his that rested on my stomach, he presses his lip against the side of my head.

Pulling away I look up at him, he just stares at me, reaching up I peck his lips before resting my head back against his shoulder.

It's quiet for another moment before he sighs and pulls away.

"We gotta move." Daryl states.

"I know." I whisper.

He wraps an arm around my shoulders and starts to lead me away, the dogs follow after us.

Looking up I watch a single crow fly over us towards the trees on the other side, sighing I look forwards as we head back towards the group.

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