Chapter 6: Daryl?

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita was wearing in this chapter. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter.)

Alita's Point of View

Thankfully nothing happened to anyone last night, but I transformed into something last night. I told the Greenes about it the next day, and they weren't really shocked so they helped me with what I needed to do, since Shawn went through it before when the same thing happened to him. So..

The next day, a few hours later, Andrea was on Dale's RV and I was working on Daryl and I's motorcycles. (Daryl lets me.) Most of the women were inside helping cook dinner as a 'thank you' to Hershel. Andrea has asked me to tell stories about Daryl and I hunting from before the apocalypse. 

Soon Andrea and I were laughing for a bit about a story, I told her from when Daryl and I first hunted alone together, as she was on the RV and I was next to one of the motorcycles.

"Hold on." She says as her eyes were fixed on something in the field. She stood up and I followed her gaze to see what she saw from where I was standing.

"WALKER!" She shouted, as she picks up her gun.

"WALKER!" She shouted again. 

I saw the creature stumbling out of the woods in the distance and I quickly grabbed my crossbow and knife from the ground to follow Rick, Glenn, T-Dog, and Shane out into the field. 

I ran through the tall grass and approached it, stopping a few feet away. Rick pulled out his gun and aimed it at the walker when it slowed down and stopped walking completely. Then I realized why...

Behind the dirtied, bloody, bruised skin, and blood-covered chin. Behind the lifeless creature that stood before us... I recognized... Daryl...! A shock wave of pain rolled through my body and I dropped my crossbow and knife, standing in shock. Tears pricked at my eyes as I... Or both of us struggled to stay standing.

"Is that Daryl?" Glenn asked, as Daryl slowly started limping towards me again.

"That's the third time you've pointed that **** thing at my head." Daryl finally spoke, I let out a quick breath and smiled.

'It is Daryl.' I thought happily to myself.

"You gonna pull the trigger of what?" Daryl asked as Rick lowered the gun in defeat. I stepped forwards to approach Daryl and spoke to him.

"Daryl, I-" I started, when the sound of a distant gunshot and Daryl falling to the ground stopped me dead in my tracks. 

My heart stopped for a moment and I felt the same searing pain return to my body, Rick yelled at the direction of the camp and ran to Daryl as I felt my knees weaken. My vision was a bit blurry and my ears were ringing as I felt Shane wrap his arms around me to keep me from collapsing completely into the dirt below me, as my eyes were turning a bit silver as I looked at the dirt below me.

"NO!!!" I screamed. 

Time seemed to slow down for a moment as tears poured down my face and I sobbed loudly as I watched Rick kneel down next to to Daryl. Shane handed me over to Glenn and went over to Rick to help get Daryl up. I saw him moving underneath them and stopped yelling. The tears were still coming as they stood up with one of his arms around each of their shoulders.

"****, I was kidding." Daryl said raspy before passing out. I felt strength return to my knees and I could stand on my own, concerned that Daryl wither just fell unconscious or died, while my eyes showed a bit of silver. Rick and Shane rushed past me and I quickly got up and ran in front to get the door to the farm house open to get Daryl inside.

After a while I saw in the chair next to Daryl's bed as he explained to Rick and I where he found Sophia's doll, as Hershel was patching up some cuts Daryl has on his side.

"I found it washed up on the creek bed right there." He explained, pointing to a spot on the map that Rick had put on the bed in front of Daryl.

"She must have dropped it crossing there somewhere." I said crossing my arms, my eyes returned to normal when I found out that Daryl was fine.

"Cuts the grid almost in half." Rick said, turning to me.

"Yea, you're welcome." Daryl retorted.

"How's he looking Herhsel?" I asked, Hershel didn't look up from his work as he spoke.

"I had no idea we'd be going through the antibiotics so quickly." He said finishing what he was doing, and walked to the foot of the bed to wash his hands in the bucket of water. 

While waiting to see if Daryl was good, Maggie, Beth, and I decided to tell the group what happened last night since they asked if anyone heard howling last night. We never expected them to take it so well that I was, a human/werewolf hybrid, even Carl was smiling widely thinking that it was really cool. 

Also I just found out that Carl was watching the movies, shows, and videos that I was in and he thought that it was cool that I was kind of hiding in sight, and that it was ironic that the user I had on Youtube was 'Galaxy Wolfina'.

"Any idea what happened to my horse?" Hershel asks Daryl.

"Yeah, the one who almost got me killed?" Daryl asked.

"If it's smart, it left the country." Daryl says, as I shot him a disapproving look.

"We call that one Nelly. As in nervous Nelly." Hershel explained as he wiped his hands dry.

"Alita or I could've told you Nelly would've thrown you if you'd bothered to ask." Hershel said standing in front of Rick motioning to me as well.

"It's a wonder how you people survived so long." Hershel says as Rick took that as a signal to leave, so he did just that, leaving me alone with Daryl and Hershel. I stood up from my chair and looked at Hershel.

"I'll go look for her if you want." I said, putting my hands on my hips and looking up at him.

"I'm good with horses, since I used to help Shawn with them before." I stated.

"I'd appreciate that Wolfie." Hershel said smiling a bit at me, and I smiled back.

"But be careful. She doesn't really remember you. She might get nervous and run off." Hershel advised me, I nodded and glanced at Daryl, who had fallen asleep while Hershel pats my back and leaves the room. 

I stood quietly at the foot of the bed and crossed my arms, watching Daryl's body rise and fall as he slept. I smiled and walked over to the other side of the bed, pulling the blanket over his exposed chest and kissed his temple before leaving the room.

-Time skip-

Later on that evening I found out Carol actually did make dinner for Hershel (and everyone else as well) to thank him for letting the group stay. I took two plate of food for Daryl and I.

But during the time my eyes were glowing silver, and Carl was asking about how I got my eyes to do that, and I told him that I didn't really know how since I just found out I could do this when I first got to the farm. After a while of answering Carl's questions, I returned to Daryl's room. The sound of me opening the door caused him to roll over and look at me.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I asked, sitting back in the chair from earlier.

"Nah, s'ok. S'that food?" Daryl asks looking at the two plates, I put on the nightstand.

"No, it's a pile of dirt full of worms. What the **** do you think it is?" I joked, handing him the plate. He scoffed and sat up slightly, wincing from the wound on his side.

"Hey, hey. Careful. Don't push it." I warned him.

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