Chapter 20: Shane Problem

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing for a bit. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter.)

No One's Point of View

A few minuted later Rick was talking with Alita and Daryl by the farmhouse.

"Hershel is letting everyone stay in the house from now on." Rick said as Alita and Daryl climbed off their bikes to walk over to the group.

"It will be a tight fit, but don't worry about that, we should have moved you guys in a while ago, its not safe to sleep out there." Hershel stated and Alita nodded in appreciation before Rick started handing out orders for everyone. 

T-Dog was keeping watch of the perimeter, keeping watch of everyone coming and going while Alita and Daryl took the double guard shifts. Hershel stocked the basement up in case they all need to retreat in there for a few days.

"After we get this area locked down and all our gear inside, Daryl and I will take Randall offsite and cut him loose." Rick stated and Daryl nodded before he began helping T-Dog took down all the tents.

"We're back to that now?" Shane questioned in frustration as Alita rolled her eyes looking over at Rick hoping he will shut his friend up.

"It was the right plan first time around. You don't agree, but this is what's happening. Swallow it, move on." Rick simply said, but knew it wasn't enough for Shane, who shook his head.

"You know that Dale's death and the prisoner... That's two separate things, right? You wanna take Daryl as your wing man, be my guest." Shane responded and Alita shook her head, as her eyes turn a light silver for a bit, Shane rolled his eyes at her.

'Yeah, Rick was gonna choose Daryl over him, he trusted Shane a long time ago, but it has clearly changed and it was time Shane learnt that.' Alita thought to herself.

"Thank you." Rick muttered walking off towards Alita giving her a nod, which meant for her to either 'cool it' or 'follow him', which she did both. Her eyes turn back to brown and she followed him.

"Shane can get worked up sometimes, he's not a bad guy... He's just his worst enemy." Rick said to her.

"I know he used to be your partner back in the day, but I don't trust him Rick, and I know Dale didn't either." Alita replied causing Rick to stop walking as he pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh.

"I know, I know. Which is why I am asking you to keep an eye on him, you have that wolf senses of yours, which would come in handy, yet you're good at observing and reading people just like Daryl and I would've asked him to do it, but him and I are gonna drop Randall off which means while we're gone, I need you to step up some more. Can you do that for me?" Rick asked Alita as Hershel walked right next to him and Alita nodded.

"Alita is one of the toughest young ladies I know. If some others can watch Shane or do something else, she can do it. Even Shawn saw that in her, even back then she knows what she's doing. Even with the wolf senses and powers, she knows what she's doing Rick." Hershel says to Rick, smiling a bit, while Alita nodded at the both of them, smiling a bit as well.

'Babysitting Shane... Of course, I get stuck with that job while the other women gets to set up our new camp in the lounge room of the farmhouse.' Alita thought to herself for a bit.

"I'm gonna go drop mine and Daryl's stuff off at the farmhouse and see if anyone else needs help but, don't worry I'll try my best to keep an eye on him." Alita replied and Rick nodded with a smile before, she jogged over to the tent her and Daryl shared before she began packing everything up.

-Time skip-

"Daryl and I will take the corner by the window if it's not taken." Alita said as she climbed out of the blue truck before she began unloading her and Daryl's gear.

"That's all yours, sis." Maggie replied as she helped Alita carry everything inside. 

Soon Alita found a spare gun trap on the bench, later asking if anybody was using it, but Lori told Alita that it was a spare. So she clipped it to her crossbow slinging it over her shoulder like how Daryl carried his crossbow sometimes.

Now she doesn't have to drop her crossbow every time she wanted to use her hand gun or knives instead. She walked outside after setting hers and Daryl's sleeping bags up and noticed Daryl and Rick were standing in the other side of the railing under the veranda, obviously discussing where they are gonna drop Randall off.

Not wanting to disturb them, Alita walked over to Jimmy giving him a hand with nailing the wooden planks off the wood against the windows. 

A few hours went by while she helped with odd jobs around the farm, while keeping an eye on Shane. He had mainly has been building a look out platform on the windmill all day, but as she looked back over that direction he wasn't there.

'He left? Where did he go?' Alita thought to herself as she walked passed the cars and motorcycles parked in front of the house, when she caught site of someone walking into the wooden shed where Randall was being held. 

It was across the other side of the land, so she could kind of see who it was, but she knew who immediately was.

Alita knew Shane was going to try to kill Randall, but she wasn't going to let him do that. Rick said no and it's what Dale would want, so like *** Alita was going to let Shane kill him. She jogged over to the shed opening the door to find Shane about to walk out the door with Randall in front of him.

"What the **** are ya doing?" Alita exclaimed into the room as she shut the door behind herself to stop Randall from running out if he got free from Shane's grip.

"Walk away Alita, this doesn't concern you." Shane growled as he shoved Randall to the ground, whose hands were duck tapped behind his back with his blindfold still on.

"What are ya doing to him?" Alita questioned folding her arms over her chest as she stared at Shane, who was not backing down as he took a step towards Alita.

"Rick told me to get Randall." Shane lied and Alita shook her head, rolling her eyes, now her eyes glowing silver.

"If you're gonna lie to me at least make it somewhat believable. Now, put the handcuffs back on him, leave the shed and I won't tell Rick about this." She ordered holding her hands out to show that she didn't want a fight.

"I have to kill him, Rick is making mistake. Now get out of my way." Shane shouted pushing Alita to the side, so he could get to Randall, but she grabbed his arm pulling him away, ready to fight.

"You little *****." He muttered, as Alita punched him, now grabbing his collar of his shirt, but he slammed her into the wall across the room. Yet she stood her ground, now with fangs showing and eyes were glowing some more. Soon Shane pulled out something silver and marched over to her.

"When you wake up, you don't tell anyone about what just happened here or else I will kill you." Shane muttered, and Alita dodged when he tried to punch her. Soon pulling out his knife that some silver on it...

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