Chapter 138: Pregnancy and Nervousness

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing for this chapter and a couple of more chapters. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter.)

Alita's Point of View

The next day,after a while of talking to Foxy, I hear someone walking behind me.

"You and Foxy have a nice chat?" Ash asks as she sits next to me on the steps.

"Yeah, he's a great listener." I mumbled, she chuckles.

"I know, we had a lot of good talks when you were at that place." She says drinking some water from the water bottle she had with her.

"I'm sure you did." I muttered, looking up at the sky as it gets darker.

"You think everyone will be back before it gets dark?" I asked her.

"I hope so, but even if they're not they'll be okay." Ash reassures me, or more like reassuring herself.

"I know they will." I whispered to her.

"Alita!" I hears as my head snaps hearing Daryl.

I looked over I see him walking towards the house. Getting up I run over to him, I slam into him and wrap my arms around his neck.

"You're back." I chuckled as I shove my face in his neck, his arms wrapped around my waist gently.

"Yeah. Michonne and I are about to go back out. I just wanted to see you before we did." He mumbles, pulling away I shook my head.

"Daryl, please don't go back out there today... I have a bad feeling about it, somethings wrong." I started nervously ranting, he holds my face between his hands.

"Hey, nothin's gonna happen. We'll come back soon and everythin' will be okay." He says as he pushing some of my hair back.

"What if it's not okay? What if it's not?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"What's going on?" Daryl asks as Ash pats my shoulder.

"She's pregnant, Daryl. She gets worried and nervous." Ash points out as she takes her hand off my shoulder.

"I'm just... I'am nervous." I sighed.

Daryl pulls me closer to him and kisses my gently.

"Don't worry." He whispers before kissing my forehead.

"It's all gonna be over soon and we can focus on gettin' ready for the kids." He says placing a hand on my stomach and runs his thumb over it.

"That's all I want to do." I admitted, he gives me a smile and kisses my cheek.

"I gotta go." He says starting to back up, I nodded

"I love you." I tell him.

"I love you too." He says turning and walks away, sighing I go over to the house.

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