Chapter 115: People are Gone

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita wears in this chapter, but without the mask and hat. Hope you enjoy the chapter.)

Alita's Point of View

The next day doesn't come with anything better, Rick had rushed in and told me that Carol was gone, and after reading the note I rushed to get ready.

She had said that she couldn't kill for anyone anymore, and that she wasn't coming back.

I didn't know what to do, I didn't want Carol out there by herself, but she's smart.

I don't know how we could find her, but with the Saviors still out there I knew we had to find her, I remembered Daryl teaching me how to hunt, and using that before back when we were going towards Terminus.

After grabbing my stuff I headed out, I joined Rick and Tobin as they headed to the gate.

"What time did she leave? Do you know what she took?" Rick asks.

"Sometime in the night. I never heard her go, but she made a bunch of food, you know. She took her pack, one of my coats." Tobin says.

"Did she leave on foot?" Rick asked.

"I— I don't know." Tobin answers.

"Rick, I took over at 12, I was on till 6. I never saw anything." Sasha tells him as we walked up.

"Front's been quiet since the others left." Abraham adds.

"What? Who?" I asked in concern.

"Daryl, he went ICBM after the Saviors from yesterday. Glenn, Michonne, Rosita, they all went to shut that **** down." He explains, and my heart dropped.

"Where's the other car?" Tobin asks looking out.

"We added two more cars yesterday. One of them's missing, the one we put right between those houses." He points out.

"You can barley see between those houses from up top, especially at night." Abraham points out.

"The note, can I see it?"Morgan asks.

"You never saw any headlights, taillights? She's smart enough to cover her tracks." Rick questions, I remembered Daryl and I taught her how to do that, mostly from me.

"She must've left during the shift change." Sasha tells him.

"Where are you going?" Rick calls after Morgan as he begins to walk away.

"I'm gonna go find her." Morgan replies.

"Wait. Tell Carl I'll be back soon. No one else leaves. Everyone else stays ready for a fight." Rick tells us as he heads over to the car.

"I'm going out, Rick." I informed him, he looks at me and goes to argue, I shook my head.

"I need to. Whoever I find first we'll come straight back." I assured him, he nods.

"Be careful." Rick says to me.

"Always am." I answered, he gives me one last look before getting in the car.

Once they drive through the gate as I walked out. After a while of checking all the closer places first before I started to move deeper into the woods.

I stayed close enough that I could see the road through the trees just incase I saw my people, or any Saviors. I feared the worst for the ones who had left, that they'd ran into those psychos and were kidnapped or worse.

I hate to say it, but I'm more worried about Daryl more than the others, just a little bit more.

I can't raise this baby on my own, I might've helped others with kids, I've been helping with kids for a while, but this was different.

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