Chapter 44: Alita Vs. Daryl Vs. Merle

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No One's Point of View

"And you let them in. You lied, betrayed us all!" A familiar voice shouted and Alita's blood ran cold when she realized it was the Governor. But she didn't have much time to dwell over it because she was being pushed forwards and the sound of a crowd yelling filled the air.

'What the **** is going on?' Alita thought.

"These are two of the terrorists. Merle's own brother! And his own sister-in-law!" The Governor shouted and suddenly the bag was removed from her face and she was shoved forwards, nearly falling over as Daryl grabbed her shoulders, stopping her from hitting the ground.

Alita looked up at Daryl, who was staring at someone in front of him and she followed his line of sight and found Merle, staring at the two of them in shock. Alita quickly glanced around realizing they were surrounded by people all standing around them in a large circle.

'Seriously, what the **** is going on?' Alita thought to herself.

"What should we do with them, huh?" The Governor shouted pointing to the three and suddenly the crowd erupted.

"Kill them! Kill them!" They all yelled and Alita knew whatever the Governor was planning, that it wasn't good, especially if Merle was here too. She looked over at the brothers in panic and she could tell they were both panicking as well.

"Let them go. Their our friends!" Andrea and... Ash...? 

They shouted before two guys quickly grabbed stopping from getting any closer to the Governor.

"I asked you where your loyalties lie you said here. Well, prove it to us all. Brother against brother. Friend against friend. Husband against wife. Winner goes free. Fight to the death." The Governor shouted and the crowd of people around them began to cheer.

'Fight to the death? He wants us to kill each other? No, this couldn't be happening. I can't, I could hurt the two instantly.' Alita thought still panicking. 

She looks over at Daryl, who was already looking over at her with almost scared eyes and it made her heart sink, he was always the tougher one out of the two of them and seeing him like this just made her more terrified.

"Ya'll know me. I'm gonna do whatever I got to do to prove." Merle began to shout as he circled around Alita and Daryl before punching Daryl in the stomach causing him to fall to the ground.

"Daryl!" Alita screamed, getting into a fighting stance she was taught at a young age with her eyes glowing completely silver, which shocked Merle and everyone in that stadium.

"That my loyalty is to this town!" Merle yelled and the two started fighting, soon he got hit on her shoulder sending her back a bit. But she got up quickly and she kicked Merle on his rib cage sending him backwards a few meters onto the ground. 

She heard Daryl shout her name amongst the crowd shouting, but right now the only thing she was focused on is Merle storming towards her, his hand balled into a fist as she quickly moved. Then Merle kicks her in the rib cage, making her slid a bit on the dirt ground.

"This isn't you Merle, I know it isn't." Alita said getting up when she noticed people with walkers attached to snare poles walking towards them.

'This just gets better and better.' Alita thought to herself as she dodged Merle's punches, but before he could do anything else Daryl suddenly grabbed him, pulling him away from Alita. 

She looked up from where she was, Merle was no longer going towards her, and she was panicked when she saw Merle pinning Daryl on his back beside her, both men holding each others throat.

"Ya really think this ***hole's gonna let ya go?" Daryl gasped, trying to push his brother off of him with no luck.

"Just follow my lead, little brother. We're getting out of this, right now!" Merle suddenly shouted pulling the younger Dixon to his feet before Alita joined the two. 

Daryl helped her up by taking her hand, as they later stood back to back while the Governor's men started pushing the walkers towards them.

The three began punching and kicking the walkers away and Alita wished more than ever that she had her spare knife still in her pocket. 

She kicked one of the walkers away, just as a bullet pierced through its skull and that's when the gunfire started, along with more smoke grenades and Alita sighed with relief.

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